On November 28 2014 the Federal Council announced that the total number of work permits submitted to quotas for 2015 will be reduced from 12,000 (2014) to 8,750 (2015). This is a significant reduction of 27%.
The council made use of its discretion regarding immigration and decided to reduce the amount of available quotas for non-EU and non-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) nationals and service providers from EU and EFTA countries. The council intends to encourage Swiss companies to better tap the potential local workforce.
Non-EU/EFTA nationals
In order to provide the Swiss economy with the requisite numberof permits in 2015, the council has decided to allocate 6,500 permits (4,000 L-permits and 2,500 B-permits) for highly qualified non- EU/EFTA nationals. In 2014, 8,500 permits (5,000 L-permits and 3,500 B-permits) were available for non-EU/EFTA nationals. The available number of permits for 2015 has been reduced by 2,000 – a substantial reduction of 24%.
Service providers from EU/EFTA states
For 2015 the council is reserving 2,000 L-permits quotas and 250 B-permit quotas for service providers of EU/EFTA member countries. In order to be eligible for these special permits, a worker must seek to provide services in Switzerland for more than 90 days or 120 days, respectively, in a calendar year. This is a substantial 36% reduction or a loss of 1,250 permits for 2015 compared to 2014 (3,000 L-permits and 500 B-permits in 2014).
Originally published in International Law Office, December 12 2014.
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