Mondaq Blog

Attorneys Live Streaming on LinkedIn Live: Most Law Firms Are Missing Out

Attorneys Live Streaming on LinkedIn Live: Most Law Firms Are Missing Out

Live streaming can build an attorney’s reputation and credibility much faster than traditional webinars or other online events — especially on LinkedIn Live.

Should My Law Firm Be on TikTok? 4 Questions to Ask Before Adopting Any Social Media Platform

Should My Law Firm Be on TikTok? 4 Questions to Ask Before Adopting Any Social Media Platform

The world of social media will continue to evolve rapidly, but staying true to your target audience and goals will help you approach each new platform with a consistent, strong presence for your law firm.

2024 Global In-House Counsel Report

2024 Global In-House Counsel Report

In-House Counsel Worldwide & Mondaq’s 2024 Global In-House Counsel Report seeks to reveal the challenges, issues and priorities facing global in-house legal teams worldwide.

From the Client’s Perspective: How to Keep Client Relationships From Veering Off Track

From the Client’s Perspective: How to Keep Client Relationships From Veering Off Track

It is important to see the world from the client’s perspective. Whether it’s related to the delivery of your services, documentation, communication or even outside activities, if you haven’t learned the client’s preferences, you are basically saying you don’t care what’s important to them.

Client Conversations: You’re Not Bugging Your Clients If You’re Providing Value

Client Conversations: You’re Not Bugging Your Clients If You’re Providing Value

Many lawyers struggle to find time for one-to-one client conversations outside of active matters or worry about being a nuisance. But when it comes to business development, nothing beats the power of live interaction.

5 Ways Automated SMS Marketing Can Help Law Firms Boost Client Acquisition and Retention

5 Ways Automated SMS Marketing Can Help Law Firms Boost Client Acquisition and Retention

With mobile phones’ ubiquity, SMS messages have a high open rate and are more likely to be read promptly than emails or other forms of communication. This immediacy makes SMS marketing an effective way for law firms to reach their audience quickly and efficiently.

Mondaq Thought Leadership Awards - Spring 2024

Mondaq Thought Leadership Awards - Spring 2024

Mondaq is proud to launch the Spring 2024 Thought Leadership Awards, celebrating our most read authors on

How Much Is a New Customer Worth to You?

How Much Is a New Customer Worth to You?

With the correct tools, a realistic target, and the flexibility to pivot when necessary, you can ensure that your digital marketing is strategic and successful. And it all starts with knowing how much your customer is worth.

How Digital PR Helps Attorneys Gain a Competitive Advantage

How Digital PR Helps Attorneys Gain a Competitive Advantage

Digital PR is a fantastic opportunity to amplify your online presence, enhance your brand recognition, and ultimately attract more new clients. To get started, focus on developing content that addresses common client questions and showcases your experience and expertise.

Legal Marketing Strategy Made Simple: What, Who, Where, How and When

Legal Marketing Strategy Made Simple: What, Who, Where, How and When

When it comes to building a practice, especially if you’re just getting started, complexity is the enemy. You need a simple strategy — a one-page plan — that prioritizes rapid action you can build on. Let’s dig in and discuss the What, Who, Where, How and When of legal marketing strategy.