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Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA
PST presented the National Threat Assessment (NTA) for 2024 yesterday. It is important reading for Norwegian businesses but also leaves some fundamental questions.
When a founder wants to sell his or her company, there is often a discrepancy between the seller's price expectations and the buyer's willingness to pay.
Vurderer du å selge bedriften? Vi har 5 tips til deg som lurer på hvordan salg av bedrift foregår og hva dine første steg bør være i en salgsprosess.
Ved salg av en gründervirksomhet er det ofte avvik mellom selgers prisforventninger og kjøpers betalingsvillighet.
Salg av virksomhet er en omfattende prosess. En selskapsgjennomgang bidrar til at kjøper får full innsikt i bedriften og sørger for at kjøpsobjekt og verdi samsvarer.
Fisjon og fusjon er to kjente begreper innen kapitalmarkedstransaksjoner og M&A, men hva betyr de egentlig? Les mer om de to begrepene her.
Opplever du reduserte inntekter som følge av dagens internasjonale uro? Tærer økte kostnader på egenkapitalen din? Da er du ikke alene.
Although the Norwegian private equity ("PE") market ranges from seed and growth investments by angel and venture capital funds, to leveraged buyouts ("LBO")...
When you are selling a business, you will find that the advisers on both the buyer's and the seller's side use words and expressions that at the start of the transaction may seem foreign and unfamiliar to the person...
Dalan Advokatfirma
Feilinvestering? Mangelfull eller uriktig rådgivning? Erstatningskrav? Handel i finansielle instrumenter som aksjefond, derivater, opsjoner eller andre investeringsprodukter...
On 12 January 2023, the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (the "FSR") entered into force. The FSR aims to address distortions in the internal market caused by foreign subsidies...
Dalan Advokatfirma
Denne artikkelen redegjør for når man kan heve en kontrakt, samt hvilke hensyn man tar ved vurderingen av om heving kan skje. Det gis også noen råd som har relevans for håndteringen av en hevingsprosess.
Dalan Advokatfirma
Purchasing and selling business entities require both planning and insight. This is especially the case for foreign buyers who must gain insight to the target company as well as the operational and legal framework...
Dalan Advokatfirma
On personal liability of members of the board. Under Norwegian law, representatives of the company, including board members, the company CEO as well as shareholders, may be held personally liable for damages...
Dalan Advokatfirma
Organisering av et eiendomsutviklingsprosjekt må ta høyde for den utviklingen som er tiltenkt for prosjektet og adressere de utfordringene og mulighetene som vil oppstå underveis.
Norway, much like the rest of the world, witnessed a very uncertain M&A and IPO market in 2022 after record levels of activity in 2020 and 2021. Some of this could be seen as a normalization3...
In guidance published on 6 June 2023, the European Commission has taken the position that financial contributions granted by Norway will be counted as "foreign" contributions under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation.
Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA
Is your company prepared for the obligations imposed by the Transparency Act? The first deadline after the compliance requirements have been in place is June 30, 2023.
Deal values in Norway are significantly down in the first six months of 2023, while deal volumes are closer to 2022-levels. The current macro-economic landscape in Norway, Europe and globally...
Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA
The draft directive on corporate sustainability due diligence ("CSDD-directive") is still in the making, but with a draft from the European Commission and the Council of the European Union...
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