The GO Alliance, a group of four southeastern law firms working together to assist companies in the regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama impacted by Hurricane Katrina, has introduced a new web site: The web site provides an overview of the Gulf Opportunity Act and the opportunities it created for businesses seeking to rebuild, relocate or expand in GO Zone. The web site also covers the state-specific business incentives that can be used in conjunction with aspects of the federal legislation.
The GO Alliance was formed to help businesses take immediate advantage of the historic incentives created by the tax legislation. By delivering both technical expertise (bonds, lending, accounting, tax, real estate, contracting, environmental, labor, etc.) as well as government relations assistance, the GO Alliance provides a "one stop" solution for businesses to implement projects and obtain the benefits of the lower cost of capital. The GO Alliance has assisted clients with bond projects ranging from $8 million to $200 million.
The GO Alliance includes more than 350 attorneys with a major law firm within each GO Zone state.
- Lemle & Kelleher, LLP based in New Orleans with offices in Baton Rouge and Shreveport, Louisiana - 504-586-1241
- Brunini, Grantham, Grower & Hewes, PLLC based in Jackson, Miss. - 601-948-3101
- Armbrecht Jackson, LLP based in Mobile, Alabama - 251-405-1300
These firms are supported by Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP based in Nashville, Tennessee with offices in Birmingham, Ala. and Los Angeles - 615-244-6380.
For more information about the GO Alliance, please visit the web site:
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.