Public Announcement on Standard Contract Notification Module published on 24.10.2024 on the official website of Personal Data Protection Authority ("Authority"). By the decision dated 17.10.2024, the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board") created "Standard Contract Notification Module" ("Module") in order to carry out standard contract notification processes in a faster and more efficient manner and decided that the notifications could also be carried out online via the Module.
Through the last amendment in Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, "standard contracts" are regulated as one of the appropriate safeguards available to data controllers and processors for the transfer of personal data abroad.
Within five business days after signing, standard contracts must be notified to the Authority by the data controller or data processor. These notifications can be made physically or via registered electronic mail (REM) address or other methods determined by the Board. In this context, the Board has provided the opportunity for notifications to be made electronically through the Module published by the Board.
Through the Module, the Authority provides a faster and easier way for data controllers and data processors to make notifications. How to use the Module is explained in detail in the notification guide published by the Authority.
You can access the Public Announcement and notification guide from the link below:
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.