6 April 2022

Legal Metrology Amendment Rules, 2022 To Come Into Force On October 01, 2022

S.S. Rana & Co. Advocates


S.S. Rana & Co. is a Full-Service Law Firm with an emphasis on IPR, having its corporate office in New Delhi and branch offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh, and Kolkata. The Firm is dedicated to its vision of proactively assisting its Fortune 500 clients worldwide as well as grassroot innovators, with highest quality legal services.
The new Amended Rules further amends the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011.
India Food, Drugs, Healthcare, Life Sciences

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution vide its notification dated March 28, 2022 has notified The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 20221  will brought into force from October 01, 2022. The new Amended Rules further amends the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities)  Rules, 2011.

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs had earlier vide notification dated November 02, 2021, notified legal Metrology Rules 2021 which were to be brought into force from April 01, 2022.

Date of Notification: March 28, 2022.

Date of rules coming into force: October 01, 2022







Rule 4 (1)

When one or more packages intended for retail sale are grouped together for being sold as a retail package on promotional offer, every package of the group shall comply with provisions of rule 6.


Rule 5-

Rule 5 provided for the Specific commodities to be packed and sold in recommended standard packages

The said rule has been omitted.


Rule 6(1) (d)

Earlier Rule 6(1)(d) provided that month and year in which the commodity was manufactured or pre-packed or imported shall be mentioned in the package.

The New Rules omits the words "?or pre-packed or imported".


Rule 6(1)(e)

This Rule deals with the declaration of Retail sale price on the package. Earlier the Rule stated that the package shall clearly indicate the MRP and the price in rupees and paise shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee or 50 paise.

The New Rule provides that the declaration of retail sale on packaging shall be provided in the Indian Currency.


Rule 6 (11)

A new provision was inserted via the Legal Metrology Amendment Rules, 2021 as per which the unit price needs to be declared on each package along with the MRP in Indian Rupees.

The New Rules state as follows:

The unit sale price in rupees, rounded off to the nearest two decimal place, shall be declared on every

pre-packaged commodities in the following manner, namely:-

(i) per gram where net quantity is less than one kilogram and per kilogram where net quantity is more than one kilogram;

(ii) per centimeter where net length is less than one metre and per metre where net length is more than one metre;

(iii) per mililitre where net volume is less than one litre and per litre where net volume is more than one litre;

(iv) per number or unit if any item is sold by number or unit:

Provided that for packages containing alcoholic beverages or spirituous liquor, the State Excise Laws and the rules made thereunder shall be applicable within the State in which it is manufactured.

Provided further that declaration of unit sale price is not required for the pre-packaged commodities in which retail sale price is equal to the unit sale price."


Rule 33

Power to relax

The said rule has been omitted


II Schedule

Commodities to be packed in specific quantities

The said schedule has been omitted.

Further, it has also been clarified that no prosecution will be initiated against the manufacturer or packer or importer of pre-packaged commodities for making declaration with effect from April 01, 2022 in accordance with Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, as amended by the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Amendment Rules, 2021 published vide number G.S.R. 779 (E), dated the November 02, 2021.


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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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