In 2025, Switzerland will retain the same work permit quotas for European Union (EU)/European Free Trade Association (EFTA) nationals on assignment, UK nationals, and non-EU/EFTA nationals as it had in 2024. Quota figures will be as follows:
- EU/ EFTA nationals on assignment: 3,000 short-term L permits and 500 long-term B permits.
- UK nationals: 1,400 L permits and 2,100 B permits.
- Non-EU/EFTA nationals: 4,000 L permits and 4,500 B permits. Despite the recent trend of these specific quota spots not being fully exhausted, employers are nonetheless advised to submit work permit applications early to avoid rejections due to the quotas being filled.
Each of these above quotas – will be issued in four quarterly instalments across 2025, commencing on January 1, 2025.
Separately, in 2025, Switzerland will cease imposing quotas on locally-employed Croatian nationals. These quotas have been in place since 2023 pursuant to a 'safeguard clause' in a temporary transitional scheme between the two countries, and could legally be reintroduced for one final year in 2026 depending on immigration numbers. After 2026, however, this transitional scheme will cease and Croatian nationals will benefit from full freedom of movement, on an equal footing with nationals of other EU Member States.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.