Update May 14, 2024: The suspension of consular services mentioned below may not affect Temporary Protection Directive beneficiaries, though this depends on each EU Member State's interpretation.
April 26, 2024: Effective April 23, 2024, Ukraine has suspended all consular services to all military-age (18 to 60) male citizens living abroad. Affected individuals will no longer be able to apply for or renew passports or other travel documents, or obtain any other type of official Ukrainian document (including marriage certificates). To receive such services, affected individuals must now instead return to Ukraine and apply via the State Migration Authority. Previously, they could access such services through consular posts or authorized external providers (for instance, through the provider State Enterprise 'Document'). The suspensions will be in effect until May 18, 2024. On this date, recently-approved updates to the country's mobilization law will come into effect, requiring all military-age men to report to draft offices in Ukraine to update their papers. From this date,it is expected that individuals who have performed all necessary procedures related to reporting for military duty (for instance, conducting a personal information check with either Ukrainian military authorities or consular posts) will be able to again access consular services. Such renewal of services is also expected to apply to those individuals who can prove to authorities that they are unfit for military service or otherwise have a right for postponement of conscription (generally related to health or family reasons). However, as the mechanisms of implementing this policy remain under development, such details remain to be confirmed.
Certain exceptions apply. First, any still-pending consular service requests (including any passport services ordered with external providers) that were submitted prior to April 23, 2024 will still be processed (subject to all application documentation being in order), regardless whether the applicant has complied with the country's military conscription requirements.
Additionally, affected individuals should be able to submit consular service requests on behalf of other individuals who are not subject to the conscription requirements (i.e. people who are not military-aged men). For instance, an affected individual may still be able to apply for a birth registration document or passport for their child. Upon return, affected individuals (being men between the ages of 18 to 60) would be subject to the country's current exit ban for all military-aged men. Accordingly, affected individuals who return to Ukraine in order to access consular-related services are expected to be unable to subsequently leave. However, the mechanisms of implementing the new mobilization policy remain under development, and further exceptions may be developed, including with respect to individuals who can prove they earlier left Ukraine legally or are otherwise unfit for conscription. We will update this news brief when the government clarifies the related provisions.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.