30 May 2022

Digital Nomad VISA

G. Vrikis & Associates Ltd


G. Vrikis & Associates LLC is a rapidly expanding and prominent law firm in Cyprus. Established in 2015 by its managing partner, Mr. George Vrikis, the firm has been focused in providing high-level legal advice to its clients and expanding its international profile and clientele, while at the same time maintaining a prompt, proactive and family office-approach for its clients. The Firm has expanded to a second location in Limassol in 2019, with the addition of Mrs Christiana Kouppi as a Partner.
The Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa Scheme was introduced in Cyprus with effect from October 15, 2021, pursuant to the decision of the Council of Ministers.
Cyprus Immigration

The Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa Scheme was introduced in Cyprus with effect from October 15, 2021, pursuant to the decision of the Council of Ministers.

Central to the new Scheme's goals is, the strengthening and promotion of Cyprus as a hub for the provision of digital and electronic services and, in achieving this, contributing to the development of the business ecosystem and economic development of the country. The "Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa Scheme" (the "Scheme") is included in the Strategy for Attracting Businesses for Activities and/or Expansion of their Activities in Cyprus.

Initially, the maximum number of Digital Nomad residence permits to be given under the Scheme was set at 100, however, as of March 2022, this was increased to a maximum of 500.

This scheme will permit third country nationals who are able to work regardless of location by using telecommunications technology, temporary residence in Cyprus, whilst allowing them to work for an employer registered abroad (in the case of an employee) or carry out work for companies or clients located abroad (in the case of a self-employed person). Furthermore, The "Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa", allows both non-EU and non-EEA nationals to reside temporarily in Cyprus while working for employers, or companies, registered and located abroad and, to perform work through the use of telecommunications technology (i.e., work remotely).

Applicants for Digital Nomad residence permits are required to provide proof of stable and sufficient monthly net income of at least €3.500 (after the deduction of contributions and taxes). They must also prove that they are employed in a company registered abroad, for which they can work location-independently, or that they are self-employed offering services remotely for clients located abroad.

Qualifying individuals will, upon the granting of the Digital Nomad residence permit, enjoy the benefits deriving from the said permit, namely, the right to reside in Cyprus for a period of one year which can then become subject to renewal for two additional years.

It is important to note that, family members (spouses/partners in a civil union and underaged children) of Digital Nomad residence permit holders can also benefit from the Scheme. They may also be given the right to reside in Cyprus for the same period as the "Digital Nomad". Importantly however, they must refrain from engaging in any form of employment or economic activity in Cyprus.

Moreover, should Digital Nomads reside in the Republic for a period exceeding 183 days within the same tax year, they will be deemed as tax residents; with the caveat that they do not already have tax residency in any other country.

It should be noted, that within three months of arrival in the Republic, the applicant as well as their family members (where applicable), must submit the relevant application in order to be granted a temporary residence permit. In cases where individuals already legally reside in Cyprus under a different status, they will have to proceed with the submission of the relevant application in order to obtain a Digital Nomad residence permit.

Those approved for a Digital Nomad residence permit will receive the following benefits:

  • Right to reside in Cyprus for a period of 1 year (right to renewal for a further 2 year period).
  • Family members (including spouses / partners in a civil union, and minors) can also be granted a right to reside for the same period (upon application), but will however not be permitted employment or the performance of economic activity in Cyprus.
  • If a Digital Nomad remains in Cyprus for one or more periods that total more than 183 days within the same tax year, and provided that they are not a tax resident in any other country, they will be considered a tax resident of Cyprus.

Procedure to be followed

  • Within three (3) months from arriving to Cyprus (arrival with a tourist Visa), the applicant must submit the required application along with the necessary documentation to the Civil Registry and Migration Departments.
  • The fees for the issuance or renewal of a temporary permit is €70. The fee required for registration purposes is also €70.
  • The time of examination of the applications is estimated to be anywhere between 5 – 7 weeks.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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