5 May 2022
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The Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa Scheme

Nicholas Ktenas & Co LLC


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Nicholas Ktenas & Co LLC Licensed Law Firm in Cyprus offering a wide range of legal services with a focus on the areas of Business Law and Technology and particular expertise in Corporate and Commercial Law, Banking and Finance, Privacy and Data Protection, Intellectual Property, eCommerce, Employment Law, Consumer Protection and Trusts.
As part of the government's strategy for attracting businesses for activities or/and expansion of their activities in Cyprus, on 15 October 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the implementation of a Digital Nomad Scheme in Cyprus ...
Cyprus Immigration

As part of the government's strategy for attracting businesses for activities or/and expansion of their activities in Cyprus, on 15 October 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the implementation of a Digital Nomad Scheme in Cyprus for the issuance of 100 temporary residence permits, subsequently increased to 500 in March 2022.

The Cyprus digital nomad visa scheme

The "Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa" scheme allows non-EU and non-EEA nationals to reside temporarily in the Republic of Cyprus, provided that they can perform work through telecommunications technology for companies or clients registered abroad for which they can work location-independently, or are self-employed offering services remotely for clients located abroad and can prove that they have stable and sufficient monthly net income of at least EUR 3,500.

Eligibility for the visa scheme

Individuals who can benefit from this Scheme are Non-EU or non-EEA nationals who can perform work remotely through telecommunications technology, employed in a company registered abroad for which they can work location-independently, or are self-employed offering services remotely for clients located abroad and can prove that they have stable and sufficient monthly net income of at least EUR 3,500.

Holders of a Digital Nomad residence permit will benefit from the right of residence in the Republic for 1 year, with a possibility of renewal for further 2 years and the right of residence for family members, for the same period as the Digital Nomad, without the right to be employed or perform economic activity in Cyprus.

Holders of this permit can also be considered tax residents of Cyprus, provided that they are residing in the Republic for one or more periods exceeding an aggregate of 183 days within the same tax year and they are not considered tax residents by any other state.

Family members

Family members (of a holder of a Digital Nomad permit can reside in Cyprus for the same period as the Digital Nomad, provided that a temporary residence permit is obtained, without the right to be employed or perform any economic activity in the Republic.

According to the Scheme, family members of a Digital Nomad include the spouse or partner in a civil union and underaged children.

The procedure for obtaining a Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa

The application for the acquisition of a Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa should be submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia within 3 months of the applicant's arrival in the Republic.

Individuals who legally reside in the Republic under a different status can also proceed with the submission of an application for the acquisition of a temporary residence permit as a Digital Nomad, at the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia.

For the issuance of a Digital Nomad residence permit, the applicant must visit the Migration Department in Nicosia or the district unit of the Aliens and Immigration Service of the Police of the district of his/her residence to provide his/her biometrics features (fingerprints and photographs) and signature.

Examination period and validity of the Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa

The examination period of this permit takes approximately 5 – 7 weeks and the fees payable for the issuance or renewal of a temporary residence permit is €70. There is also a €70 fee for Registration to the Aliens' Registry (applicable only in cases of initial registration).

The temporary residence permit as a Digital Nomad is valid for 1 year and can be renewed with a validity of maximum 2 years.

Applications for the renewal of this permit must be submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia, at least 1 month prior to the expiration of the temporary residence permit.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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