StartUP Visa is a program for foreign entrepreneurs wishing to develop entrepreneurship projects (projects that aim to implement new businesses or promote changes in existing companies) in companies based in Portugal.
Thus, this program enables entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit when they have not yet established a company, as well as when they have business projects in their countries of origin and wish to pursue their activity in Portugal.
The main requirements are eligible for this program if they are, in particular, over the age of 18, have no permanent residence in the Schengen area and have their own financial and subsistence means.
Thus, these are some of the necessary requirements for entrepreneurs to meet either individually or together in order to apply.
In addition, the applicant must submit an application for a residence permit with IAPMEI, I. P., the programme's electronic platform.
Enrollment for the program began on March 15, 2018 and has since been widely requested.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.