Fragomen's commitment extends beyond facilitating visa and residence permit applications for both foreign workers and non-workers alike. Our professionals take pride in guiding individuals through their entire immigration journey, ensuring the thorough completion of all ancillary procedures necessary for a seamless transition—in this case, to a life in France.
Upon arrival, newly arrived foreign nationals must attend to additional formalities beyond visa validation or residence permit requests. This checklist includes registering with the French social security system and, if applicable, exchanging their driving license to legally drive in France.
Social Security Registration
Moving to a new country often entails enrollment in a new social protection scheme. Prompt integration into the French healthcare system is crucial for both employers and individuals, ensuring timely coverage in case of illness or work-related incidents.
While beneficial, accessing the French healthcare system involves navigating multiple administrative steps. An initial application for social security registration must be submitted to the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM). On average, a temporary social security number is issued within two to six weeks post-application. Once approved, this is followed by the issuance of a permanent social security number and a health insurance card (known as “Carte Vitale”), essential for medical expense reimbursements.
Despite its apparent administrative nature, social security registration can present complex legal considerations. Fragomen's specialized team provides guidance and support throughout this process.
Driving License Exchange
Furthermore, holders of driving licenses issued outside the European Economic Area (EEA) are restricted to driving in France for the first year of residency, irrespective of nationality.
During this transition period, eligible individuals can apply to exchange their foreign licenses following bilateral agreements. If an exchange is not possible, obtaining a French driving license necessitates passing theoretical and practical driving tests in France.
Determining exchangeability depends on various factors and ideally should be assessed before relocating to France.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.