Consider Taking CLE Courses Outside Of Your Practice Area For Professional And Personal Development

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed


The firm’s original four partners were engaged primarily in a burgeoning real estate practice. While our real estate practice and deep-rooted involvement in that industry remains an integral component of the firm, we have grown alongside the dynamic needs of our clients and community at large. Today, the firm’s lawyers advise clients on almost every aspect of business: from copyrights and trademarks to high-stakes, high-profile litigation; from complex commercial and residential real estate issues to wealth management; from labor and employment law to healthcare; from capital raising and entity formation to corporate growth and expansion locally, nationally and internationally.
Culturally, many individuals no longer work in one place for twenty years. Changing jobs occurs much more frequently than it did a generation ago.
United States Law Practice Management

The workplace today is unlike any other time in history. Changes in how clients and law firms use technology for communication, presentation, document drafting, litigation, recording, and transactional work seem to be competing faster than ever. Working remotely, video conferencing, and other changes in how we work are now commonplace. Just ten years ago email was seldom used. Today, clients want to read and sign documents on their smart phones.

Culturally, many individuals no longer work in one place for twenty years. Changing jobs occurs much more frequently than it did a generation ago. Some who stay in once place may even be viewed as old-fashioned or out of touch with current trends.

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Consider Taking CLE Courses Outside of Your Practice Area for Professional and Personal Development

Previously published in The Briefs

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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