On 20 July, the UK government prohibited for the first time a transaction under the new National Security and Investment Act 2021 ("NSIA").1 In other cases where the government has intervened so far enforcement action involved imposing conditions on the acquirer. In this advisory we take stock of the emerging practice and outline key takeaways for businesses, including US transaction parties, involved in acquisitions in and outside of the UK.
The prohibited transaction involved the acquisition by Chinese company Beijing Infinite Vision Technology of IP developed and owned by the University of Manchester. Interestingly, this did not involve a share acquisition of a company (which would have required a mandatory pre-notification), but a licensing arrangement concerning sensitive technology which was notified voluntarily.2 The decision was adopted in the same week that BEIS accepted undertakings by US-listed Parker-Hannifin in respect of its acquisition of Meggitt.
Publication of NSIA decisions are limited to final orders imposing conditions, unwinding, or blocking a transaction.3 Clearances and other procedural decisions are not published (see also our previous Advisory). Also, compared to merger control decisions, final decisions that are published are scant as the government provides no reasoning for its decision. This somewhat limits predictability and certainty.
Nevertheless, as the body of published cases expands and some insight on current and recent cases becomes available in the legal press, the following key takeaways on the enforcement have emerged:
- Nationality does not determine outcome. Although, somewhat unsurprisingly, the only deal having been blocked so far concerned a Chinese acquirer, transactions undertaken by acquirers headquartered in countries that are close allies of the UK are not immune from close scrutiny. Experience shows that acquirers from close allies such as the US, France or Israel may still give rise to a UK national security issue where the target business is engaged in sensitive activities.4 In fact, even a UK-to-UK deal may trigger a filing.5
- US (as well as other non-UK) transaction parties6 should carefully consider the potential UK nexus of their transaction. There are many examples of transactions involving US buyers which have recently been called in and/or closely scrutinised by BEIS. Notable examples include WindAcre/Nielsen, as well as a number of recent deals initiated under the NSIA' predecessor regime, namely Parker-Hannifin/Meggitt, Cobham/Ultra Electronics, and Nvidia/Arm. As previously highlighted, the NSIA has a broad extraterritorial reach: although UK target companies and UK-based target assets are a priority, the UK regime also captures international transactions where the target, despite not being either based in the UK or having UK subsidiaries, (i) has activities (e.g., an R&D facility) in the UK, (ii) supplies goods or services in the UK (e.g., through distributors to UK customers), or (iii) is or has an asset used in connection with activities carried out in the UK and/or in connection with the supply of goods or services to people in the UK. As such, US (and other non-UK) investors and, more generally, US (and other non-UK) transaction participants, should be live to the implications of this regime when entering into international transactions with a potential UK angle, particularly if these fall within one of the 17 sensitive sectors that require a mandatory pre-notification for share acquisitions.7
- Defence is just one of the many sectors. As mentioned, there are 17 sectors (see Appendix III of our previous Advisory) that the NSIA identifies as requiring a mandatory pre-notification of any share acquisition. Those sectors are also highly relevant where the acquisition involves assets and hence may not require a mandatory pre-notification. According to BEIS' first report, and consistent with the cases we have seen so far, alongside the defence sector, military and dual use, critical supplies to the government, data infrastructure and AI rank among the top sectors which have been more often and more closely scrutinised by BEIS.8 This confirms the intention behind the regime to tackle modern threats involving sensitive and cutting-edge technology.
- Transaction parties should be aware of the timing implications for closing. The statutory review period for the vast majority of deals is one to three months, and statistics so far show that the majority of deals are cleared within 30 days. However, where substantive issues emerge the review will take much longer as the government has the power to stop-the-clock in certain circumstances.9
- ISU decision-making is opaque. Unlike merger control processes which involve a very iterative pre-notification process with the relevant case team, NSIA notifications are made very much into a "black box", the process is less iterative in the initial stages and any dialogue is very limited. Parties should also not expect the ISU to provide regular status updates during its reviews on timing or whether it has identified any potential national security concerns and/or is considering a particular set of remedies.
- Filings are still a piece of advocacy. Unlike merger control filings, an NSIA filing is a relatively short form, submitted through an online portal. Nevertheless, it is a piece of advocacy albeit constrained by the straightjacket of the online form. This is reflected in BEIS' recent guidance that explicitly calls on the parties to use all available opportunities in the form to be as descriptive and as detailed as possible10–e.g., highlighting any circumstance as to why the case should not raise any concern. This can assist in limiting the risk of receiving extensive questions from the ISU, potentially at a late stage in the review process, and can help achieve a prompt clearance.
- Overall problematic cases are still rare. Government statistics from the first three months of operation of the NSIA (i.e. January-March 2022) show that out of a large number of filings (222) only a very small number (17) was called-in for further review. The vast majority of these (196) were mandatory notifications which means that it is too early to draw conclusions on enforcement practices for non-notified transactions involving asset or IP acquisitions.
- "Behavioural" commitments seem to be playing an important role in securing clearance. In a relatively high number of cases, parties have secured clearances by providing behavioural undertakings such as ensuring supplies11 or implementing enhanced controls to protect sensitive data.12 This marks a stark contrast with the decisional practice in merger cases, where structural remedies are by far more commonly accepted. In view of the first prohibition we will need to see how this practice further unfolds and whether we will see further prohibitions or disposals.
Further details on the specific cases that are referenced above can be found in the case tracker in the Annex to this advisory.
Annex - Case tracker of most relevant cases 13
- For more details on the operation of the regime introduced by the NSIA, please refer to our previous Advisory.
- Since IP licensing forms an integral part of the university business model, this case also makes clear that universities will need to re-evaluate their risk assessment processes and ensure compliance with the obligations under the NSIA. In this respect, please note that specific guidance for Higher Education Institutions and other research organisations and investors to understand the scope of the NSIA was already published by BEIS in January 2022.
- Most recently in its National Security and Investment: market guidance notes July 2022, BEIS expressly stated that it will not publish information regarding the receipt and the acceptance or rejection of individual notifications; however, it may choose to publish limited information concerning the fact that a call-in notice or an interim order have been issued; a clearance has been granted, where the parties disclose such information; or the acquisition is otherwise in the public domain and BEIS considers it is in the public interest to do so.
- Examples of deals which have been recently called in by BEIS and/or closely scrutinised include Altice/BT-a deal retrospectively called in by BEIS where the acquirer was a French Telecom group owned by French-Israeli billionaire Patrick Drahi, and Hakan Koc/Truphone-a deal which was called in for in-depth review by BEIS by way of an interim order and where the acquirer was German entrepreneur Hakan Koc.
- The acquisition over UK-based Sepura by UK private equity firm Epiris, cleared subject to conditions on 14 July 2022, is a clear example.
- Most notably, US buyers, but also other transaction participants such as financial investors, sellers, etc.
- See Appendix III of our previous Advisory for a list of the 17 mandatory sectors.
- See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-security-and-investment-act-2021-annual-report-2022, page 14 and page 18.
- For example, review of the WindAcre/Nielsen deal, called in around 22 April based on public information, is still pending with BEIS. BEIS has also more recently used its extension powers in each of Nexperia/Newport Wafer Fab and Altice/BT (called in on 25 and 26 May 2022, respectively, and still pending for review). Cases called in under the previous regime and only very recently decided, although not subject to the statutory review period under the NSIA, also seem to suggest that several months might be necessary in certain cases before the UK government may be able to reach a conclusion.
- Specifically, by adding relevant information and explanations in the "additional information" sections included throughout the form-e.g., in relation to the description of the relevant sector or the relevant "trigger events".
- See, for example, the decision in Parker-Hannifin/Meggitt (albeit formally decided, very recently, under the previous regime).
- See, for example, the decision in Epiris/Sepura.
- The tracker is non-exhaustive and does not include every case having been reviewed to date. This is because, under the NSIA, information concerning past deals will only be made public where BEIS issues a final order either imposing conditions, clearing, unwinding, or blocking a transaction. We have also generally not included all transactions we are aware of as having been reviewed by BEIS, where these were relatively straightforward cases.
- Please refer to the BEIS final order notice.
- Please refer to the BEIS press release.
- Please refer to the BEIS press release.
- Please refer to the BEIS news story.
- Please refer to BEIS.
- I.e. the regime in force prior to the NSIA becoming operational and which entitled BEIS to issue a Public Interest Intervention Notice (PIIN) on national security grounds in the context of cases subject to merger control review by the CMA.
- Please refer to the national security undertakings annex to the decision notice.
- Please refer to the national security undertakings annex to the decision notice.
- Please refer to the BEIS news story, which contains a link to the Phase 1 report.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.