In this three-part video series, Brian Kelliher, Cillian Bredin and Derbhil O'Riordan provide an overview of some of the key features of the Irish ELTIF, including its liquidity profile. They also discuss what an ELTIF can and cannot invest in, applicable transparency obligations and how the Irish ELTIF can be marketed within the EEA to both professional and retail investors.
Episode 1
In the first episode of our video series on the Irish ELTIF, Brian and Cillian consider some of the key features of the Irish ELTIF, including structuring options, domestic tax treatment of the Irish ELTIF, its liquidity profile and the service providers which must be appointed to an Irish ELTIF.
To view Episode 2 from the Irish ELTIF Regime Series click here.
Dillon Eustace Guide: Key Features of an Irish ELTIF
For an in-depth analysis of the key features of an Irish ELTIF, please access our up-to-date guide which is accessible below.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.