Intellectual Property Rights And The ""OAPI"" In Cameroon Part II

Nico Halle Law Firm


Nico Halle Law Firm
Cameroon Intellectual Property
The protection and guaranteeing of Intellectual Property Rights in Cameroon is the sole responsibility of the African Organisation for the Protection of Intellectual Property'better known in its French acronym as "L'Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle" (""OAPI""). The "OAPI" is an International organisation created by 14 member states in 1962 in Libreville capital of Gabon.

Besides Cameroon which in addition hosts the headquarters of this organisation, its jurisdiction also covers most of French speaking countries of West Africa and all of Central Africa.

All the activities of the "OAPI" are co-ordinated from Yaounde its headquarters in accordance with the 1972 Bangui Accord.

All of the 14 member states of the "OAPI" are French speaking with the exception of Cameroon that is bilingual (English and French). This thus accounts for the French language being the official language of the organisation. Most of "OAPI"'s publications are in French and there exist at the moment no translation structure at the headquarters in Yaounde.


The organisation's competence covers Industrial property as well as literary and artistic property, hence the nomenclature "Intellectual Property".

A. Industrial property

The "OAPI" is charged with the application of common administrative procedures for the obtention and safeguard of Industrial property rights. This role is based on a uniform legislation relating to invention titles (Brevet d'Invention) marks of products and/or services, industrial designs, business names, unfair competition, original appellations and slogans.

Furthermore, the "OAPI" renders services relating to Industrial property notably, the documentation and information concerning invention marks it envisages to put at the disposal of member states for its eventual exploitation for technical and industrial development objectives.

B. Literary and artistic property

In this regard, the "OAPI" plays a triple role.

It sensitises member states and their nationals on the necessity to ensure the protection of literary and artistic property.


The duration of protection offered varies according to the object protected.

Trademarks are valid for a duration of 10 years meanwhile the property in it can be indefinately preserved through successive renewals effected after every 10 years. This equally holds true for business names.

The minimum duration for designs is 5 years but capable of being extended to 15 years each. All taxes must however be paid.

As concerns original appellations, the duration of protection is unspecified, the "modele d'utilite" has a minimum duration of 5 years which can be extended to 8 years. In this case, the payment of taxes is mandatory and exploitation is required.

Rights conferred

The effect of registration of a trade mark is the conferment of a right notably, rights of exclusive exploitation whether individual or collective as the case may be. Consequently the beneficiaries can always prohibit any undue exploitation by instituting an action for imitation (Contre facon) see SS 201-209, 212-214 and S 315 of the Cameroon Penal Code.


The normal and minimum duration for the validity of a patent is 10 years but which may be extended to 20 years through two prolongation's of 5 years each. The payment of taxes annually is imperative and exploitation of the tights is necessary.

It should be noted that simply obtaining the granting of a patent is not enough. Maintenance of the acquired rights depends upon the effective use of the patent.

Rights Conferred by a Patent

As is the case with the trademarks, a patent confers a tight of exclusive exploitation of the invention. The patentee obtains the right to preclude others from the act of making, importing, selling or using the product where the patent is in respect of a product.

Where it is in respect of a process, others are precluded from the act of applying the process.

Such tights extend only to acts done for industrial and commercial purposes and the scope of protection is determined by the terms of the claims as interpreted in the context of the specification.


The submission of application and bromide for registration of an intellectual property does not suffice for the granting and/or obtention of same. The "OAPI" has certain financial obligations that must be complied with before the granting and exploitation of a Trademark and patent right. "OAPI" charges vary with the different classes of marks and the nature of protection an applicant intends to obtain. If an application for a mark or patent is not finally granted, the applicant is entitled to all the charges already paid.

However the sum of 100.000 FCFA is retained by the organisation.

The following is an approximate but indicative current "OAPI" tariffs for the registration of trade marks and patents.

TRADEMARKS                            FCFA        US$

Preparing and filing
application for a trade mark          249.000     498

Renewal of a mark                     345.000     690

Supplementary penalty for
overdue renewal                        112.50     225

Fee per class for all renewals         78.000     156

Claiming convention 
priority (per claim)                   54.000     108

Rectification of errors on forms 
(before publication:
* For first error                      34.000      69
* For each other error                 15.000      30

Rectification of errors 
(after publication)                    40.500      81

Agents search on the 
Registrability of a single mark        51.000     102

Publication in special trademark
register and assimilated 
transactions                          234.000     468


Preparing and filing a patent 
of Invention covering 1st year        198.375     397

Application for a certificate         253.575     507

Filing a priority claim (per claim)    55.200     110

Publication of a patent               322.575     645

Supplementary tariff for 
publication beyond 10 years            30.675      61

Patent drawings according 
to number of forms or boards:

* From 11 - 20 typed pages
or A4 format boards                    96.600     193

From 21 - 30 typed pages
or A4 format boards                   156.975     313

From 31 - 40 typed pages
or A4 format boards and soon at       208.725     417
a rate of 40.500 FCFA for every 
additional page

Modification or rectification of errors:
* For the first modification or 
  errors                               34.500     69
* For each subsequent modification     17.250     34

Maintenance of Patents of Invention:
2nd to 5th annuities (per year)       193.200    386
6th to 10th annuities (per year)      322.575    645

Penalties for late payment 
of annuities                           60.000    120

Special patent register:
Entry into the special
patent register                       232.675    456

Delivery of a declaration
mentioning that there exist no
other such patent                      51.750    104


Obtention of copies of patents:
* Up to 10 pages                       51.750     104
* Each page in excess of 10            10.350      21

Searches                               69.000     138

Rundown of payments                    17.250      35


Application to register
a design in one class                  11.000      22

Priority claim (per class)              3.500       7

The same design is filed 
simultaneously in the same class        5.000      10

The same design is filed
in different classes                   10.000      20

Where different designs are filed
simultaneously in the same class
from second application onwards        45.000      90

Application to file in specimens       25.000      50

(per design)                           35.000      70

Late renewal (overdue)                100.000     200

off per class                          80.000     160

Rectification of errors:
* 1st error                             2.000       4

Late filing of documents              100.000     200

Searches                               51.000     102

Renewals                              300.000     600

Priority claim                        300.000     600

Recording into the special
register of designs                   300.000     600

Application to register or
renew a commercial name               135.000     270

Authenticated abstract of
the register of commercial names        5.000      10

Deliverance of an identity certificate  9.000      18

Construction of constitutive documents  5.000      10

Correction of errors on application     3.000       6


In respect of local legislation governing consumer protection ensures same through the institution of a search form which is issued upon application for registration of a trademark and/or patent. The search form contains the name of the mark and/or patent sought, the class and its specimen. The search which is conducted on the register is to ensure that the mark or patent is not deceptive, dangerous or scandalous.

If search findings prove that the mark is defective and dangerous to the public, granting of same is disallowed.


A. Arbitration

Whereas the world intellectual property organisation (WIPO) recently provided its arbitration centre as a service for the resolution of international intellectual property disputes, the "OAPI" has so far remained silent as to the very essence of such a structure.

The reason for lack of an arbitration structure could be attributed to the uniformity in linguistic, business culture and legal system that member states enjoy unlike the WIPO which is characterised by divergent linguistic, cultural and legal system.

B. "OAPI"s Competent Jurisdiction: Local Tribunals

According to the "OAPI" regulations, the competent court for dispute resolution remains the national (local) courts of each member state both as regards the appreciation of the threat posed to the tights in question as well as in the determination of the validity of the protection itself. In Cameroon, the competent court is either the High Court or the court of first instance depending on the amount claimed (see 1972 Judicial Organisation ordinance as modified by Law No 89119 of 29 December 1989).

Concerning decisions rejecting registration by the Director General of "OAPI", appeals lie to an administration jurisdiction of international character, sitting at the headquarters of the organisation. This international jurisdiction is called "Commission Superieure des Recours" as provided for in article 16 of the Accord setting up the "OAPI".

Appeal fee is 270.000FCFA. If an application for a grant of either a patent or trademark is finally rejected, the applicant is reimbursed all the sum paid in respect of such application with the exception of the following sums retained by the organisation 249.000FCFA for trademark,11.000FCFA for designs and 253.375FCFA for patent. The Penal Code of Cameroon in its sections 201, 209, 212, 214 and 315 sanctions both criminally and civilly the offence of Imitation of Patent (La contre facon).

The 33rd ordinary session of the board of administration of the "OAPI" has been summoned for 27May 1996 to deliberate on policies governing the organisation. It is therefore recommended that specific advice be sought on "OAPI" after June 1996 before any action is taken.

NOTE: The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought for specifics.

For further information contact Mr Nico Halle, Tel: +237 42 64 79 or Fax: +237 43 26 34 or enter text search 'Nico Halle Law Firm' and 'Mondaq Business Briefing'.

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