Quest For A Perfect Contract

Corp Comm Legal


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Corp Comm Legal is an independent Indian law firm headquartered in New Delhi, India. The firm specialises in advising on corporate / commercial legal advisory services to its Indian and foreign clients focusing on M&A, Joint Ventures, IPR protection, Due Diligence, Contracts, Negotiation, Documentation, Strategic Advice.
A 'Perfect Contract' is often considered a myth rather than a reality.
India Corporate/Commercial Law

A 'Perfect Contract' is often considered a myth rather than a reality.

This is due to several inherent challenges and complexities in the contracting lifecycle process.

At every discussion, workshop, legal clinic, or the like, I have to confront the question: How can I draft a perfect contract?

My typical answer : You can't, just keep improvising on your last job. You keep getting better.

Here are a few reasons why crafting a perfect contract seems to be unattainable:

Differing Perspectives. Parties involved in a contract often have different priorities, perspectives, and goals. Aligning all these varying expectations perfectly is a daunting task.

Uncertainty and Change. Business environment is dynamic, everchanging, and these circumstances can change quite unexpectedly. Anticipating all potential future scenarios and addressing them in a contract is highly ambitious, and extremely challenging.

Ambiguity and Interpretation. Despite best efforts to create clear and unambiguous language, contractual terms can be subject to different interpretations by different parties, leading to disputes and dissatisfaction.

Inaccurate or incomplete Information. As it's not always possible for parties to possess perfect or complete information, this can lead to unforeseen circumstances and challenges.

Human Errors. Contract drafting involves human inputs, and as such, there is always a possibility of oversight, mistakes, or misunderstandings.

Creating a perfect contract that fulfills all the expectations of all parties is, therefore, a complex and challenging task. However, it is possible to strive for a comprehensive and well-structured contract that takes into account the interests and expectations of all parties involved.

To achieve this, it is essential to engage in thorough and open communication with all stakeholders to identify and address their respective needs and concerns.

Additionally, the contract should be drafted with precision, clarity, and fairness to ensure that all parties understand their rights, obligations, and the potential outcomes of the contract.

Continuous review and collaboration between the parties during the drafting process can help to maximise the likelihood of creating a contract that satisfies everyone's expectations to the best extent possible.

Summing it up, while a "perfect" contract may be unattainable, striving for a comprehensive and well-structured contract that considers the needs of all parties can greatly reduce the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

Originally published by 23 February, 2024

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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