28 September 2021

Changes Have Been Made To The Visa Rules

GRATA International


GRATA International is a dynamically developing international law firm which provides services for projects in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. More than 28 years 250 professionals in 19 countries advise major international and local firms. GRATA is recognised by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, IFLR1000, WWL, Asialaw Profiles. GRATA is recognised by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, IFLR1000, WWL, Asialaw Profiles.
Currently, a visa application can be submitted to the visa-issuing authorities by a foreigner in person, by mail, by courier, through a representative or service provider.
Belarus Immigration

Currently, a visa application can be submitted to the visa-issuing authorities by a foreigner in person, by mail, by courier, through a representative or service provider.

It is also provided for the issuance of a group entry visa. It is issued on the condition of simultaneous entry into the Republic of Belarus or transit through its territory of a group of foreigners of 10 or more people, united by a common purpose of the trip and moving through the territory of the Republic of Belarus as part of a group.

It is allowed to issue single and double group visas of type B, as well as single group visas of type C of the following categories: participation in sports, cultural, scientific, educational events and, internships (sports / culture / science / education); tourism.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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