The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that it will re-designate and extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Yemen due to armed conflict and ongoing health and safety concerns.
The TPS extension and re-designation period is effective for 18 months, starting on Sept. 4, 2021 and extending through Mar. 3, 2023. Current Yemeni TPS beneficiaries can retain their TPS status through Mar. 3, 2023 if they continue to meet all eligibility requirements. They must re-register between July 9, 2021 and Sept. 7, 2021 to retain their TPS designation and work authorization.
Yemeni citizens who have resided in the U.S. since July 5, 2021 and who are continuously present in the country through Sept. 4, 2021 can file initial applications between July 9, 2021 and Mar. 3, 2023.
Looking Ahead
DHS published an announcement in the Federal Register explaining the process and requirements for re-registering or submitting an initial TPS application and Employment Authorization Document (EAD) application.
Originally Published 13 July 2021
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