CorralRosales is one of the most important law firms in Ecuador. Since its foundation, the firm has focused on providing legal services in the different areas demanded by local and multinational companies with operations and interests in Ecuador. The current client portfolio, which includes multinational companies from the United States, Europe, Latin America and Asia that operate in the financial, insurance, food and beverage, pharma and aviation fields, among others, denotes the high degree of confidence in the analysis, legal advice and creative solutions provided by CorralRosales.
The Ministry of Labor, through Ministerial Agreement MDT-2021-277 published in the supplement to Official Register 203 of December 6, 2022, established that...
The Ministry of Labor, through Ministerial Agreement
MDT-2021-277 published in the supplement to Official Register 203
of December 6, 2022, established that:
1. Since January 1st, 2023, the
statutory minimum wage of the employee (“SMW”) is set
at four hundred and fifty dollars of the United States of America
(US$450.00); including the salary of small industry employees,
agricultural employees, household employees, maquila employees,
microenterprise collaborators and artisans.
2. The percentage increase SMW of
the employee for the year 2023 with respect to the year 2022 is
5.882 % (applicable for fixing sectorial minimum wages).
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.