Health Alert - 28 June 2010

Welcome to this week's edition of Health Alert. The Health Alert is transmitted on Monday of each week (unless there is a public holiday on Monday). Health Alert is a summary of the critical judgments, legislation, press releases and news items which have come to our attention each week. Many of the summaries will contain a hyperlink.
Worldwide Employment and HR

Welcome to this week's edition of Health Alert. The Health Alert is transmitted on Monday of each week (unless there is a public holiday on Monday).

Health Alert is a summary of the critical judgments, legislation, press releases and news items which have come to our attention each week.  Many of the summaries will contain a hyperlink.

If an item is of special interest, we may insert commentary into the body of Health Alert.  However in general, Health Alert is a quick and effective means of ensuring that you are aware of significant recent changes with little or no commentary from ourselves.

If you would like to include a colleague or contact on our distribution list, or be removed from the list and not receive further issues from us, please contact Anne Arfi at with the relevant contact details.

Nigel Preston and the DLA Phillips Fox Health Team


New South Wales. Medical Tribunal

18/06/10: Rao, Balaji

18/06/10: Balafas, John

South Australia

H Ltd v J & anor [2010] SASC 176

The plaintiff in this case owns and operates aged care facilities.  The first defendant is a resident in one of the aged care facilities.

The first defendant suffers from post polio syndrome and Type 1 diabetes.  She has no use of the right side of her body, is confined to a wheelchair and has no prospect of any improvement.

On 19 January 2010 the first defendant informed the plaintiff that she intended to end her life by ceasing to take food, water and insulin.  On 4 March 2010, the first defendant made an anticipatory direction pursuant to the Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995 (SA), which instructs her medical practitioners not to provide nutrition and to provide only palliative care even if it shortens her life. On 7 May 2010, the first defendant executed an Enduring Power of Guardian, instructing her guardians that if she becomes mentally incapacitated she is not to be provided with any nutrition, hydration or insulin except for palliative purposes.

The proceedings in this case were brought by the plaintiff to obtain a declaration which would allow it to determine whether it could legally comply with the first defendant's proposed direction. 

The first question the Court addressed was whether there was a 'matter' before the Court. The Court found that the action brought by the plaintiff is a 'matter', as the proceedings have been brought to settle the controversy and uncertainty regarding whether the rights of the defendant to self determination must be followed and respected by the plaintiff.

The second question the Court addressed was whether it was appropriate to make a declaration. The Court referred to various cases which are authority for the principle that in exceptional circumstances, declarations may be made regarding conduct that could be the subject of criminal charges. The Court decided that it would make declarations as to the proper construction of the legislation and its operation on a direction like the direction proposed by the defendant.

The Court considered whether the first defendant's proposed actions constituted suicide. The Court contended that it would be contrary to the provisions of the Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act (SA) to hold that the refusal of substance and medicine is suicide. The Court found that the refusal of substance and medicine is not suicide. 

The Court made a declaration that the plaintiff is under no duty and has no legal justification to feed or provide nutrition, hydration or insulin to the first defendant if there are likely to be consequences to her life or health.

The Court considered whether complying with the proposed direction would infringe the provisions of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) (CLCA). In regards to the CLCA, the Court made declarations to the following effect:

  • By acting in accordance with the direction, the plaintiff does not enter into a suicide pact and does not aid and abet the suicide of the first defendant within the meaning of s13A of the CLCA;
  • The plaintiff is not under a duty to protect the first defendant from the consequences of compliance with the direction for the purposes of s14 CLCA;
  • The plaintiff will not, by complying with the first defendants direction, cause any harm to the first defendant for the purposes of s29 of the CLCA;
  • The plaintiff has a lawful excuse for any omission to provide nutrition, hydration and insulin for the purposes of s29 of the CLCA; and
  • The plaintiff is not 'liable to provide necessary food' within the meaning of that expression in s30 of the CLCA'.

Further, the Court considered whether complying with the proposed direction would infringe the provisions of the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth). In regards to the Aged Care Act the Court made a declaration that the plaintiff does not have a responsibility to provide nutrition under the relevant sections of the Quality of Care Principles made pursuant to this Act other than in accordance with the direction.

New Zealand. Health & Disability Commissioner

09HDC01190 DHB - Diagnosis and management of paediatric fever.04 Jun 2010

09HDC01081 Dentist - Standard of dental treatment; informed consent.



National Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2010 - C2010B00140 - Health - A Bill for an Act relating to the National Health and Hospitals Network, and for other purposes

Health Insurance (Duplex Scanning for Erectile Dysfunction) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01659 - Health - This Determination revokes and remakes the Health Insurance Determination HS/5/1997 to reflect contemporary drafting practice and preserve the special conditions of service for the identified medical practitioner.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy - Innovative Care Services) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01650 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Amount of flexible care subsidy - Innovative Care Services) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and specifies the amount of flexible care subsidy payable in respect of different types of innovative care, including consumer directed care.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Amount of Enteral Feeding Supplement) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01293 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Amount of Enteral Feeding Supplement) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and sets the daily rate for bolus and non bolus feeding with effect from 1 July 2010 and also outlines a method for calculating the amount of enteral feeding supplement to be paid where the actual cost to the approved provider of administering enteral feeding to the care recipient is equal to or more than 125% of the daily rate.

Flexible Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01652 - Health - These Principles amend the Flexible Care Subsidy Principles 1997 to extend their operation to a new kind of care for which flexible care may be payable and makes a minor technical amendment to update the definition of "Aged Care Assessment Team".

Health Insurance (Indium-labelled Octreotide Study) Determination 2010 - F2010L01654 - Health - This Determination revokes the Health Insurance (Indium-labelled Octreotide Study) Determination HS/09/2006 and adds the service specified in the Determination to the Diagnostic Imaging Services Table from 1 July 2010.

Health Insurance (Leukoscan) Determination 2010 - F2010L01653 - Health - This Determination revokes the Health Insurance (Leukoscan) Determination HS/08/2006 to add the service specified in the Determination to the Diagnostic Imaging Services Table.

National Health (Indigenous Chronic Disease - PBS Co-payment Measure) Special Arrangements Instrument 2010 (No. PB 66 of 2010) - F2010L01724 - Health - This instrument makes special arrangments to assist eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to access PBS medicines with reduced patient co-payments under the PBS Co-payment Measure.

Private Health Insurance (Data Provision) Rules 2010 - F2010L01753 - Health - These Rules revoke the Private Health Insurance (Data Provision) Rules 2009 and specify the kinds of information relating to the treatment of insured persons that private health insurers are to give to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing.

Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules 2010 - F2010L01740 - Health - These Rules revoke and replace the Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules 2009 and provide for private health insurers to expand hospital products to cover a broader range of services that substitute for or prevent hospitalisation, and categorise privately insured services as being hospital or general treatment.

Quality of Care Amendment Principles 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01651 - Health - These Principles amend the Quality of Care Principles 1997 to reduce regulatory burden on the aged care industry by abolishing the annual fire safety declaration for those aged care homes that have met state, territory and local government authority fire standards.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy - Extended Aged Care at Home - Dementia) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01530 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Amount of flexible care subsidy - Extended Aged Care at Home - Dementia) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and specifies the method for working out the daily amount of flexible care subsidy payable in respect of an EACHD care recipient with rates effective from 1 July 2010.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy - Extended Aged Care at Home) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01529 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Amount of flexible care subsidy - Extended Aged Care at Home) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and specifies the method for working out the amount of flexible care subsidy for a day in respect of an EACH care recipient, with rates effective from 1 July 2010.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy - Innovative Care Service - Congress Community Development and Education Unit Ltd) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01532 - Health - This Determination extends the provision of flexible care subsidy in respect of the places allocated to Congress Community Development and Education Unit Ltd through the Aged Care Innovative Pool 2010-11 until 6 July 2011.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy - Multi-Purpose Services) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01531 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Amount of flexible care subsidy - multi-purpose services) Determination 2009 (No. 2) and specifies the method of flexible care subsidy payable for a day to an MPS, with rates effective from 1 July 2010.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy - Transition Care Services) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01535 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Amount of flexible care subsidy - Transition Care Services) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and sets the amount of flexible care subsidy that is payable for flexible care in the form of transition care for each day that an approved provider's flexible care place is occupied by a care recipient who is approved to receive and is provided with, transition care on that day with rates effective 1 July 2010.

Aged Care (Community Care Subsidy Amount) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01528 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Community Care Subsidy Amount) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and specifies the method for working out the amount of community care subsidy payable for a day in respect of a community care recipient, with rates effective from 1 July 2010.

ged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Adjusted Subsidy Reduction) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01295 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Adjusted Subsidy Reduction) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and sets the adjusted subsidy reduction amount with effect from 1 July 2010.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Amount of Oxygen Supplement) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01294 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Amount of Oxygen Supplement) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and sets the oxygen supplement rate with effect from 1 July 2010 and outlines a method for caluclating the amount of oxygen supplement to be paid where the actual cost to the approved provider of administering oxygen to the care recipient is equal to or more than 125% of the daily rate.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Amount of Viability Supplement) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01512 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Residential care subsidy - amount of viability supplement) Determination 2009 (No. 2) and sets the amount of the viability supplement payable under the 1997, 2001 and 2005 schemes with rates effective 1 July 2010.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Basic Subsidy Amount) Determination 2010 (No. 1) - F2010L01480 - Health - This Determination revokes the Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy - Basic Subsidy Amount) Determination 2009 (No. 1) and specifies the indexed rates of basic subsidy to apply from 1 July 2010.

Health Insurance (Positron Emission Tomography) Facilities Determination 2010 - F2010L01605 - Health - This instrument revokes and replaces the Health Insurance (Positron Emission Tomography) Facilities Determination 2009 (No. 2) to make technical amendments to clarify the interpretation of several Medicare benefit items and also allows the continued eligibility of Medicare benefits for positron emission tomography services.

National Health Act 1953 - Amendment declaration under subsections 85(2) and 85(2AA) - Amendment determination under subsection 85(2A) - drugs and medicinal preparations (No. PB 54 of 2010) - F2010L01623 - Health - This Declaration amends the National Health Act 1953 - Declaration under subsections 85(2) and 85(2AA) - Determination under subsection 85(2A) - drugs and medicinal preparations (No. PB 14 of 2010) to declare changes to the list of drugs and medicinal preparations available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

National Health Act 1953 - Amendment determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) - conditions (No. PB 58 of 2010) - F2010L01622 - Health - This Determination amends the National Health Act 1953 - Determination under paragraph 98C(1)(b) - conditions (No. PB 119 of 2008) to provide for conditions for payments in respect of supply of pharmaceutical benefits by approved pharmacists and medical practitioners.

National Health Act 1953 - Amendment determination under section 84AF - responsible persons (No. PB 56 of 2010) - F2010L01631 - Health - This Determination amends the National Health Act 1953 - Determination under section 84AF - responsible persons (No. PB 16 of 2010) to determine responsible persons for a brand of a pharmaceutical item in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

National Health Act 1953 - Amendment determination under section 85B - price determinations and special patient contributions (No. PB 57 of 2010) - F2010L01635 - Health - This Determination amends the National Health Act 1953 - Determination under section 85B - Price determinations and special patient contributions (No. PB 18 of 2010) to give effect to the circumstances in which the Commonwealth is to pay the special contribution for the brand of pharmaceutical item.

National Health Act 1953 - Amendment determinations under sections 85, 85A and 88 - pharmaceutical benefits (No. PB 55 of 2010) - F2010L01637 - Health - This Determination amends the National Health Act 1953 - Determinations under sections 85, 85A and 88 - Pharmaceutical benefits (No. PB 15 of 2010) to provide name, dosage and method of administration of drugs in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

National Health Act 1953 - Amendment special arrangements under subsection 100(1) - Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program (No. PB 60 of 2010) - F2010L01644 - Health - These Arrangements amend the National Health Act 1953 - Special Arrangements under subsection 100(1) - Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program (No. PB 55 of 2009) to delete a form of chemotherapy pharmaceutical available at public hospitals to non-admitted patients, day-admitted patients or patients on discharge.

National Health (Remote Aboriginal Health Services Program) Special Arrangements Instrument 2010 (No. PB 65 of 2010) - F2010L01537 - Health - These Arrangements revoke National Health Act 1953 - Special Arrangement Made Under Paragraph 100(1)(a) - Remote Aboriginal Health Services Program (No. PB 57 of 2009) and improve access to essential medicines for clients of remote Aboriginal Health Services by addressing geographic, financial and cultural barriers by removing the need for a PBS co-payment and script.

Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Amendment Rules 2010 (No. 3) - F2010L01646 - Health - These Rules amend the Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Rules 2010 to vary schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4 to provide the minimum benefit levels, reflecting the increase of 2.9% in the CPI in the year from March 2009 to March 2010.

Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Amendment Rules 2010 (No. 2) - F2010L01647 - Health - These Rules amend the Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Rules 2010 to make minor changes to the amount for the Nursing-Home Type Patient contributions at public hospitals in the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Western Australia.


Australia. Department of Health & Ageing

Media releases

Private Health Insurance Circular

Improving Aged Care for Forgotten Australians - The Australian Government has announced new initiatives aimed at meeting the service and support needs of Forgotten Australians. 16 June 2010

Australia. Osteopathy Board of Australia

New Continuing Professional Development Guidelines for osteopaths - The Osteopathy Board of Australia has published Guidelines on continuing professional development. A Fact Sheet explaining the new obligations for osteopaths is also available.

Australia. Pharmacy Board of Australia

Codes and Guidelines to take effect on 1 July 2010 - The Pharmacy Board of Australia has published its Guidelines on continuing professional development which will take effect on 1 July 2010.

New national Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) registration standard for pharmacists  - The Pharmacy Board of Australia has published its Approved PII Registration standard which will take effect on 1 July 2010.

Australia. Therapeutic Goods Administration

Summary of fees and charges at 1 July 2010 (new)

Notes accompanying summary of fees and charges at 1 July 2010 (new)

TGA fees and charges explanatory note (new)

Low value turnover exemptions

Human papillomavirus vaccine (GARDASIL) (updated)

For consultation - Proposed changes to Product Information (PI) (new)

RFT 14/0910: Membership nominations for the TGA Therapeutic Products Assessment Panel (added information session details)

Amendments to the regulations (updated)

RFT 14/0910: Membership nominations for the TGA Therapeutic Products Assessment Panel (amendment to closing date)

Medical device recall: Survival Saline solution (15 ml) (new)

Questions & answers on the code of good manufacturing practice (updated answers to questions 1, 9 & 25)

Australian Public Assessment Report (AusPAR) for prescription medicines (added Adefovir dipivoxil, Agalsidase alfa ghu & Risperidone)

Counterfeit Viagra (sildenafil) 100mg tablets (new)

Therapeutic Goods Committee (TGC) (updated)

Advisory Committee on Non-prescription Medicines (ACNM), 2010 meeting dates (updated)

Australian Institute of Health & Welfare

Australia's health 2010 - Australia's health 2010 is the 12th biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It's the nation's premier source of statistics and informed commentary on: determinants of ... Published 23 June 2010.

Australia's health 2010-in brief - All in all, Australia is a healthy nation. We do face challenges, however, and there is certainly scope for improvement. Australia's health 2010 - in brief presents key points and ...Published 23 June 2010.

Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Health Care

RFT 0424/0910 - Observation and Response Charts: Usability Testing and Piloting - Tender closes 19 July 2010

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission

ACCC proposes to allow Vision Group clinics to agree on fees - The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission proposes to grant authorisation to Vision Grou... - Issued: 9th June 2010 Release # NR 120/10

Australian Capital Territory. Department of Health

Media releases

Alcohol, Tobacco And Other Drug Strategy 2010 - 2014 - The ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010-2014 outlines a series of actions aimed at reducing the harms associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in the ACT community. The Strategy reports in detail on the following areas, outlining a current assessment of the situation and challenges, identifying target populations and areas for further intervention, and where appropriate, describing drug availability: " tobacco " alcohol " other drugs " comorbidity " consumer participation " education, and " workforce development ACT Health-Wide PolicyCED10-013 Alcohol, Tobacco And Other Drug Strategy 2010 - 2014 (PDF File 879k) - Alcohol, Tobacco And Other Drug Strategy - Summary  

Public Health lunchtime talks (21 June 2010) - These talks are open to anyone in the Public and Private sectors with an interest in public health issues.

New South Wales. Department of Health

Media release

Policy directives & guidelines

Northern Territory. Department of Health & Families

Turning point for recruitment following Child Protection Inquiry

Drug Action Week - Volatile Substances

Media releases

Queensland. Department of Health

Media releases

Metro South Mental Health - Service Expansion website

South Australia. Department of Health

Media releases

  • Patient safety report - Thursday, 24 June 2010 - A report has been tabled in Parliament by the Health Minister John Hill detailing serious events in public hospitals from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009. Minister Hill said. "Hospitals are busy places where people are working incredibly hard and often under intense pressure," he said. Read more...
  • Making men better - Monday, 21 June 2010 - Too many South Australian men still drink too much, smoke too much, ignore symptoms of poor health and put off seeing their doctor, according to a new report released by SA Health. Health Minister John Hill said the report gives a really valuable insight into men's health issues and the ways they use health services – including why they sometimes don't. Read more...

Tasmania. Department of Health & Human Services

Media releases

Victoria. Department of Human Services

Media releases

Western Australia. Department of Health

Media releases

New Zealand. Ministry of Health

24 Jun: Close-contact infectious diseases in New Zealand: Trends in ethnic inequalities in hospitalisations, 1989 to 2008 - This report describes the epidemiology of infectious diseases and close-contact infectious diseases (CCIDs) for the 20-year period from 1989 to 2008, with a specific focus on ethnic inequalities, with a focus on Maori.

United Kingdom. Department of Health

DH business expenses Quarter 3, October to December 2009

CNO Bulletin, June 2010

Abolition of the four-hour waiting standard in Accident and Emergency: letter from the Secretary of State to the President of the College of Emergency Medicine

Amended version of PL/CMO/2010/01, PL/CNO/2010/01, PL/CPHO/2010/01: The influenza immunisation programme 2010/11

Breastfeeding and introducing solid foods: consumer insight summary

Letter from Sir David Nicholson: Revision to the NHS Operating Framework for 2010/11

Mobile Working Readiness Assessment Framework

Speech by the Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Secretary of State for Health, 8 June 2010: My ambition for patient-centred care

Independent Inquiry of the commissioning, supervisory and regulatory bodies in relation to Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust

DH supports Pride

the month: issue 32, May 2010

The Influenza Immunisation Programme 2010/11

Widening participation in pre-registration nursing programmes

NHS Injury Cost Recovery scheme - latest monthly table of sums recovered

FOI release: McKinsey report on the fiscal future of the NHS

Palliative Care Australia

Residential Aged Care Palliative Approach Network : Newsletter : July 2010

EoL - Vol 2 No 1 - Winter 2010 - lang="EN-AU">What is required to deliver a health system that is patient focused, driven by information and organised for safety and quality? - Download EoL Winter 2010 

PCA e-bulletin - June 2010 - lang="EN-AU">The June 2010 edition of the PCA e-bulletin is now available.  Read about National Palliative Care Week and the government's health reform agenda. - Read the June 2010 PCA e-bulletin

Minister for Health launches NPCW 2010 - Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon. Nicola Roxon MP officially launched National Palliative Care Week 2010 at the PCA Breakfast at Parliament House.  Listen to Minister Roxon's speech

Australian Medical Association

AMA supports call for greater organ donation awareness 24 June 2010 - 3:20pm  - The AMA today backed calls from the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer for people, especially young people, to ensure that family and loved ones are aware of their wishes to donate their organs after death. Read more

Supporting family doctors - AMA listening tour 24 June 2010 - 1:30pm  - The Federal AMA has commenced a series of grassroots meetings with GPs around the country to hear first hand how the current reforms of the health system are affecting general practices and family doctors at the local level. Last night, Federal AMA Vice President, Dr Steve Hambleton, and AMA Queensland President, Dr Gino Pecoraro, hosted a meeting of local doctors - AMA members and non-members, local graduates and international graduates - in suburban Brisbane. "General practice works.  Build it up." Read more

Time to put focus on links between alcohol and cancer 24 June 2010 - 9:55am - AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that more needs to be done to stop young people from taking up drinking at an early age, including banning alcohol advertising and promotions that are targeted at teenagers and adolescents. Dr Pesce said that excess alcohol consumption is known to be a contributor to cancer rates in Australia. Read more

GPs get support to train new GPs 23 June 2010 - 5:55pm  - The AMA welcomes today's announcement that the Federal Government has increased funding for GP supervisors who are teaching and training the next generation of GPs. AMA Vice President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said the 20 per cent increase in the supervision allowance acknowledges the dedication of GP supervisors to preserve and promote the vital role of general practice in the Australian health system. Read more

Support Family Doctors 23 June 2010 - 10:37am  - AMA has produced a suite of brochures that GP's can give out to patients to help explain the importance of the family doctor. If you would like to order these brochures please see the attachments and email with your order request.

The message is clear: More research is needed into the risks of alcohol intake during pregnancy 20 June 2010 - 12:00pm  - MJA media release - Inconsistent guidelines for low alcohol intake or abstinence during pregnancy are confusing for pregnant women and have little effect on women's alcohol intake during pregnancy, according to research published in the Medical Journal of Australia. Read more

Male reproductive health linked to chronic diseases 20 June 2010 - 12:00pm - MJA media release - Male reproductive health problems may coexist with, or represent a marker for, other common conditions including heart disease and diabetes, according to an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia. Dr Carol Holden (PhD), of Andrology Australia, Monash University, VIC and co-authors Dr Carolyn Allan and Dr Robert McLachlan of Andrology Australia and Prince Henry's Institute, Melbourne, VIC, analysed research linking diabetes and cardiovascular disease to erectile dysfunction (ED). Read more

Family history neglected in medical records of acutely ill patients 20 June 2010 - 12:00pm  - MJA media release - Medical staff rarely consider family history when caring for acutely ill patients in hospital, according to research published in the Medical Journal of Australia. Dr Andrew Langlands, from the Royal Perth Hospital, and co-authors conducted an audit of the medical records of 300 randomly selected patients who were admitted to the hospital's short-stay medical unit between July and December 2007. Their study showed that 73.7 per cent of patient records had no family history documented, and just 16 per cent contained a family history with specific details about the presence or absence of a medical condition in at least one relative. Read more

Medicines Australia

Pharmaceutical industry makes commitment to submit clinical trial results for publication - 22 June 2010 - Medicines Australia fully supports a new commitment by the global research-based pharmaceutical industry to submit for scientific journal publication the results of all its Phase III clinical trials. more

American Psychiatric Association. DSM-5 Development

A Consumer-Friendly Version of Frequently Asked Questions about DSM-5 Field Trials is Now Available

A Description of DSM-5 Field Trials is Now Available

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