We are very lucky to have clients and contacts based in virtually every country across the world. We generally communicate in English but understand that our contacts may wish to read our articles in their first language.

Many of our contacts are professional advisers, and whilst your English may be very good, the English of a number of your clients may not be quite so good.

  • We have therefore added Google Translate to the Dixcart and Dixcart Domiciles websites.

We were slightly sceptical, as to the potential quality of the translations. We therefore asked a number of linguists to test out several of the translations, and were pleasantly surprised with the feedback as to the accuracy and high quality.

You will find the 'Select Language' box in the top toolbar of each website.

If you wish to share the translation, please use the share icons along the side of the website.

This functionality has also been made available on the mobile versions of our websites.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.