The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Contracts Established Outside the Workplace ("Amendment Regulation"), prepared by the Ministry of Trade ("Ministry") has been published in the Official Gazette dated 23 August 2024 and numbered 32641, and entered into force as of its publication.
The Amendment Regulation consists of certain amendments to the Regulation on Contracts Established Outside the Workplace ("Regulation"), has been published in the Official Gazette dated 14 January 2015 and numbered 29236.
The important headlines in the Amendment Regulation are as follows:
It has been made possible to exercise the right of withdrawal through methods such as text messages and electronic mail through the system to be established by the seller and provider in advance, and it has been made obligatory to include additional contact information.
It has become mandatory for the seller or provider to ensure that the consumer signs the contract and that the date of the contract and the principles regarding the right of withdrawal are written in the consumer's own handwriting.
The obligation for sellers or providers operating within the scope of the Regulation to apply to the provincial directorate where their headquarters are located to obtain an authorization certificate continues and the conditions for applying for an authorization certificate have been expanded.
In case of violation of the Regulation by selling without an authorization certificate, the thirty-day period given for the elimination of the violation following the warning has been abolished, and despite the warning to be made as a result of the detection of practices contrary to the Regulation, if any practice contrary to the Regulation is detected within one year, the authorization certificate of the relevant seller or provider will be canceled without additional time.
In addition, if the authorization certificate is used except for contracts established outside the workplace, the certificate of the seller or provider will be canceled without warning and the authorization certificate will not be re-issued.
The full text of the Amendment Regulation can be reached through this link. (Only available in Turkish)
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.