Telecom was the only entity authorized to render local and long distance services, while the local companies were forbidden to render long distance services. Based on the above, the process of granting two long distance licenses would be resumed. Such process was suspended in August of last year, as a consequence of the negotiations held between the Union of Telecom and the National Government.
Prepared by Anamaria Arboleda and Gustavo Hoyos from Gomez Pinzon & Asociados.
These notes are intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
GOMEZ PINZON & ASOCIADOS Carrera 9 No. 73-24 Pisos 1,2,3 y 5 Santafe de Bogota, Colombia Telephone : 571- 3107055/ 5066 Facsimile : 571- 3106646/6657