26 September 2001

Legal Gossip

Colombia Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment

- Document Conpes 3118 of 4 June 2001 contains specific policies and recommendations from the Colombian Government regarding the concession for the rendering of Personal Communication Service (PCS). Pursuant to its terms, the Commission of Telecommunications Regulation, the Ministry of Communications and the Superintendency of Public Services should meet in the first week of October in order to approve the basic technical plan and the interconnection regime. Once these documents are approved, the Colombian Government shall issue the Decree establishing the conditions for the bid process for the concession of the PCS.

- Colombia has not yet ratified the 1948 Geneva Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft. However, the Ministry of Transportation, the Air Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have studied, approved and submitted to the Colombian Congress a law project for the approval of this Convention by the latter. If approved, Colombia could ratify this convention before the end of this year.

- The Convention of Montreal of 1999 regarding air transportation and carriers' liabilities is going through its fourth and last debate in Congress. If approved, Colombia could ratify this convention shortly.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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