30 August 2001

Legal Gossip

Colombia Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment

Colombia has not yet ratified the 1948 Geneva Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft. However, a law project by means of which this convention would be ratified by Colombia has been already studied and approved by the Ministry of Transportation and by the Air Authority and is currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which will most likely submit it to the Colombian Congress on the next legislative period (i.e. starting on July 20).

A telecommunications law project which main purpose is (i) the unification of current applicable regulations, and (ii) to improve market conditions to enhance competition is currently being studied by the Colombian Ministry of Communications, and should be submitted to Congress for its approval within the following days.

The Convention of Montreal of 1999 regarding air transportation and carriers' liabilities is going through its third debate in Congress and, if it were approved, Colombia would ratify this convention shortly.

The Government is planning to open a public bid process for contracting a feasibility study aimed at determining whether Rio Meta (one of the main rivers in the East of Colombia) can be recovered for navigation purposes. The feasibility study would include an analysis of (i) the demand for fluvial transportation in the river and (ii) technical matters, and will include the Ministry of Transportation's participation.

This report was prepared and is copyrighted in 2001 by PARRA, RODRÍGUEZ & CAVELIER, a law firm with offices in Bogotá, Colombia. The general information herein contained does not constitute legal advice. Transcriptions and quotes are permitted citing the source.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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