29 March 2023

Acquisition Of Credit Suisse By UBS

Lenz & Staehelin


With over 200 lawyers and offices in three major economic centres, Lenz & Staehelin is one of the largest law firms in Switzerland. Known for its high professional standards, the firm provides its domestic and international clients with a full range of services in the main areas of law. It is ranked amongst the leading practitioners in business law.
On March 19, 2023, it was announced that UBS plans to acquire Credit Suisse in an all-shares transaction, valuing Credit Suisse at CHF 0.76 per share / CHF 3 billion.
Switzerland Insolvency/Bankruptcy/Re-Structuring

On March 19, 2023, it was announced that UBS plans to acquire Credit Suisse in an all-shares transaction, valuing Credit Suisse at CHF 0.76 per share / CHF 3 billion. The Swiss Federal Council, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and the Swiss National Bank expressed their support for the transaction. The transaction is expected to close in Q2/23 following approvals by relevant authorities. AT1 capital instruments issued by Credit Suisse of appr. CHF 16 billion in aggregate have been written-down in full.


Pursuant to public information, Credit Suisse  was experiencing a crisis of confidence and  faced outflows of clients funds, intensified by the  recent events in the US financial markets. On March 16, 2023, Credit Suisse announced the  intention to access a covered loan facility as well  as a short-term liquidity facility of up to appr.  CHF 50 billion.

Following intervention by, and request of, the  Swiss Federal Department of Finance, the Swiss  National Bank and the Swiss Financial Market  Supervisory Authority FINMA, Credit Suisse  and UBS entered into a merger agreement on  March 19, 2023.

The Swiss Federal Council on March 16, 2023  issued an ordinance regarding additional  liquidity assistance loans and the granting of loan  loss guarantees by the Swiss Confederation for  liquidity assistance loans by the Swiss National  Bank to systematically important banks (the  Additional Liquidity Assistance Ordinance).  In order to adapt this ordinance to the most  recent developments, the Swiss Federal Council amended this Additional Liquidity Assistance  Ordinance, effective on March 19, 2023 (the  Amended Additional Liquidity Assistance  Ordinance).

a) Liquidity Assistance Loan

On March 19, 2023, the Swiss Federal Council  announced that it would support the merger with  a public liquidity backstop and that it issues to  the Swiss National Bank a loan loss guarantee of  up to CHF 100 billion to secure a corresponding  liquidity assistance loan to Credit Suisse (the Liquidity Assistance Loan).

The Amended Additional Liquidity Assistance  Ordinance provides that the principal and interest  on Liquidity Assistance Loans are privileged in a  bankruptcy as they are allocated to the second  creditor class in accordance with Art. 219 of the Swiss Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Act  (Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und  Konkurs).

b) M&A Transaction

Pursuant to public information, the target of the  acquisition will be Credit Suisse Group AG, the SIX-listed parent company of Credit Suisse Group. While not expressly stated so far, it is  expected that the acquiring entity will be UBS  Group AG, the SIX-listed parent company of  UBS Group. This means that UBS will acquire  all of Credit Suisse Group in an all-shares  merger transaction, rather than an outright  purchase of the individual shares. This will entail  that Credit Suisse Group AG (as absorbed entity) will upon effectiveness of the merger transfer all  of its assets and liabilities to UBS (as absorbing  entity) by way of universal succession under the  Swiss Merger Act (Fusionsgesetz) and that it  will cease to exist. As such, Credit Suisse AG,  being the intermediate holding company of the  group and currently a subsidiary of Credit Suisse  Group AG will become a direct subsidiary of  UBS. The legal entity UBS Group AG will  continue to exist.

It is expected that the share consideration for the  shareholders of Credit Suisse Group AG will  require the issuance of new shares in UBS.  Under Swiss laws, a merger usually requires  affirmative resolutions by the shareholders of the  absorbed entity and the absorbing entity.  However, in this case, the Swiss Federal Council  has exercised its emergency powers to facilitate a  swift consummation of the merger without the  need for a shareholder approval. The legal basis  for this is the newly established Art. 10a (Deviations from the Merger Act) of the  Amended Additional Liquidity Assistance  Ordinance. In accordance with this new rule, the  merger process will also not require the involved  legal entities to provide a merger report and an  audit of the merger agreement, the merger report  or the balance sheets of the involved legal  entities. Furthermore, disclosure obligations  relating to those documents under the Swiss  Merger Act do not apply.

Emergency powers are set out in Art. 184 and  185 of the Federal Constitution of the Swiss  Confederation (Bundesverfassung). It is expected  that the Federal Council will publish the rationale for the Amended Additional Liquidity  Assistance Ordinance and its decisions in the  coming days.

Initial information indicates that UBS will  particularly keep the Swiss bank of Credit Suisse  Group (i.e. Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG), but that  it designated certain other assets, particularly in  the investment banking area, as non-core. To  date, it cannot yet be assessed how this will  impact Credit Suisse's already published plans to  spin-off its investment banking division into a  newly formed entity (CS First Boston).

c) Resolution Aspects

Credit Suisse and UBS, both qualifying as  globally systematically important banking  groups, are generally subject to the specific too[1]big-to-fail regime. Such regime foresees increased capital and liquidity requirements as  well as specific rules for recovery and  resolutions procedures.

The principles of bank recovery and resolution  are set out in Chapters 11 and 12 of the Swiss  Banking Act (Art. 25 to 37g). They generally  follow the recommendations on the bank  resolution framework by the Financial Stability  Board. To note, these principles were only  incorporated into the Swiss Banking Act at the  beginning of 2023. Their predecessor rules in the  FINMA Banking Insolvency Ordinance  (Bankeninsolvenzverordnung-FINMA) formally  continue to apply until repeal or amendment of  such ordinance, albeit in case of deviations, the  rules in the Swiss Banking Act prevail.

Under the Swiss Banking Act, FINMA is  authorized to order protective measures  (Schutzmassnahmen), restructuring proceedings  (Sanierungsverfahren) or an insolvent  liquidation, i.e. a bankruptcy (Bankenkonkurs), if  there is justified concern that a bank is over[1]indebted or has serious liquidity issues or where  a bank does no longer fulfil the applicable capital  adequacy requirements after the expiry of a  deadline set by FINMA. FINMA has broad  competences and discretion when applying such powers and instruments, noting though, that the ordering of bankruptcy would require that there  are no prospects of a successful restructuring by  means of restructuring proceedings or that  restructuring proceedings have failed.

Pursuant to public statements from FINMA,  FINMA's actions in connection with the merger  were not based on such resolution powers.

d) Write-Down

In its communication, FINMA stated that "the  extraordinary government support [would] trigger a complete write-down of the nominal  value of all AT1 capital instruments of Credit  Suisse in the amount of around CHF 16 billion,  and thus an increase in core capital."

The additional tier 1 capital (AT1 capital)  instruments present going-concern capital to be  maintained in accordance with applicable capital  / own fund requirements. They are to separate  from the additional debt instruments that Credit  Suisse issued to meet requirements under the  bank recovery and resolution regime for globally  systematically important banks (i.e., the total loss  absorbing capacity, TLAC) for which Credit  Suisse issued specific "bail-in bonds". Given that FINMA did not exercise resolution powers and  did not apply restructuring measures under the  Swiss Banking Act, neither these "bail-in bonds"  nor other creditors were bailed-in.

The possibility of a write-down of AT1 capital instruments is generally provided for in the  documentation governing the respective  instruments. These generally foresee a write[1]down triggered in the event of a decrease of  regulatory common equity tier 1 (CET 1) capital  requirements below relevant thresholds or upon  the occurrence of certain viability events. One of  the viability events seems to be described as  follows "customary measures to improve [Credit  Suisse Group AG's] capital adequacy being at  the time inadequate or unfeasible, [Credit Suisse  Group AG] has received an irrevocable  commitment of extraordinary support from the  Public Sector (beyond customary transactions  and arrangements in the ordinary course) that  has, or imminently will have, the effect of  improving [Credit Suisse Group AG's] capital  adequacy and without which, in the  determination of the Regulator, [Credit Suisse  Group AG] would have become insolvent,  bankrupt, unable to pay a material part of its debt  as they fall due or unable to carry on its  business.".

For this trigger event, there is, apart from a  capital inadequacy on the part of Credit Suisse  Group AG (i) a need for extraordinary support  from the Public Sector, which includes the Swiss  Government and the Swiss National Bank and  (ii) a determination by FINMA that without such  extraordinary support, Credit Suisse Group AG  would have become insolvent, bankrupt, unable  to pay a material part of its debts as they fall due  or unable to carry on its business. The wording  implies broad discretion for FINMA to come to  the mentioned determination. The documentation governing the AT1 capital instruments indicate  that the notification or determination by the  Regulator will constitute the viability event.

The Amended Liquidity Assistance Ordinance  provides for an authorization of FINMA to order  a debtor of AT1 capital instruments or the  financial group to write-down such liabilities in  connection with the approval of a commitment  loan to back a loan loss guarantee towards the  Swiss National Bank. The exercise of this  authorization, in comparison to the viability  event triggering a write-down as mentioned  above, requires only the granting of a liquidity  assistance loan with loan loss guarantee, but also  then entails discretion on the part of FINMA  whether to order the write-down.



The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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