4 January 2023

A Guide To Obtaining A Retiree Permit In Ghana

Acheampong & Associates


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Acheampong & Associates has been in the business of providing legal services for the past half-decade. Established in 2015, we have consistently pursued a client-centered strategy prefaced on a clear understanding of their needs. Our specialties are Immigration, Corporate, and Family laws respectively. We have developed a strong niche in the provision of excellent immigration and corporate solutions for individuals and organizations. As a part of our strategy, we have devoted time to educate the public, by way of articles, on legal issues they confront . Our objective is to help our clients make sound legal decisions and navigate their way through the heap of cumbersome legal requirements and processes.
A foreign national who is a retiree and who is not a prohibited immigrant may be granted a residence permit to remain in Ghana...
Ghana Immigration
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A foreign national who is a retiree and who is not a prohibited immigrant may be granted a residence permit to remain in Ghana. Retirees are generally persons who are no longer in active employment. There is no definition of a retiree in any of the immigration statutes. And the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) has not developed a specific or separate permit...


A foreign national who is a retiree and who is not a prohibited immigrant may be granted a residence permit to remain in Ghana. Retirees are generally persons who are no longer in active employment. There is no definition of a retiree in any of the immigration statutes.

And the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) has not developed a specific or separate permit for retirees. Eligible applicants are granted dependent residence permits. The term "retiree permit" is only used for purposes of convenience.

How long is a Retiree Permit valid for?

A retiree may be eligible for a residence permit valid for up to 4 years in the first instance, and up to 8 years in total, upon renewal. A retiree granted residence permit cannot pursue any business, profession, or any activity for reward, unless they have been granted a separate permit for that purpose.

How to apply for a Retiree Permit

An application for a retiree permit must be made in Form F to the GIS. The applicant must complete and sign the form, and must include an application letter addressed to the Comptroller-General requesting for the grant.

The letter must state their personal details, reasons for the permit, and the duration of the permit requested. Like dependents, retirees must satisfy a maintenance requirement. Their permit is subject to a prohibition on employment, business or any activity for reward.

They must show that they have sufficient funds to maintain themselves and any other dependents without recourse to public funds. Evidence that they own land or have access to regular income shown by bank statement may be evidence that they will not become a burden on public funds.

The retiree must also provide two guarantors with copies of their Ghanaian passports, one of whom must write a letter of guarantee for the applicant. As a condition for the grant of the permit, the guarantors must jointly execute a bond for security as in Form I.

By so doing, the guarantors undertake to be liable for any deportation or repatriation expenses up to the value of the amount stated on the bond, should the retiree or any of their dependents be required to leave Ghana. A list of required documentation is:

Documentary Requirements for Retiree Permit

  1. Application letter requesting for the grant of a residence permit
  2. 2 passport-sized photos
  3. Bank Statement or a lease or a combination of both
  4. Letter of consent from a child's parent (if applicable)
  5. Copy of Birth Certificate of a Child, if applicable
  6. Two Guarantors with copies of their Ghanaian passport
  7. A letter of guarantee from one of the two guarantors
  8. Execution of a bond for security by both guarantors
  9. Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  10. Non-citizen ID

Renewal of Retiree Permit

A person granted a retiree permit may apply for the renewal of the permit. They must show that they did not violate the terms or abuse any of the privileges attached to the previous permit.

For example, an application for the renewal of a retiree permit may be refused if the officer found that the holder engaged in an activity for reward in violation of the terms of permit. A retiree permit cannot exceed 8 years in total with the previous permit.


The fee for the retiree may differ on the basis of their nationality as ECOWAS nationals and Ghanaians with foreign passports may pay a fee different from other foreign nationals. The fees are for permits valid for one year.

Retiree Residence Permit (ECOWAS) nationals = GHS200
Retiree Residence Permit (all other foreign nationals) = GHS300
Retiree Residence Permit (Ghanaians with foreign passports) = GHS150

There is no requirement for a medical examination for a retiree. However, they, their spouse, and children of 6 years and above must obtain a Ghana non-citizen ID card at a fee of USD120. This card is valid for one year and renewable at a fee of USD60.

Processing Time

Provided all documentation are in order, the processing time for a retiree residence permit ranges between 2 to 3 weeks.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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