Defining the scope of IP recordals projects in advance will provide the insight you need to plan and schedule them effectively. Download our latest eBook to discover our three key steps to success.
Despite the importance of recording changes to patent and trademark assets, the IP recordals process is notoriously demanding and time-consuming for internal teams. As a result, the necessary updates are often delayed by "more urgent" day-to-day tasks, inevitably causing issues further down the line.
In this eBook, we share three practical steps for preparing effectively for IP recordals projects and explain how outsourcing the entire process to a trusted partner, such as Questel, can help organizations to free up time, drive efficiency, and control costs.
Download the eBook now for practical guidance on how to:
- Scope out the IP assets that require updating
- Define the necessary changes
- Identify and overcome common issues
- Save time and effort and obtain peace of mind by delegating the
entire process to Questel
Download the eBook now to discover how to take the risk out of IP record management at your organization.
To view the full article, click here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.