22 May 2017

Issue 02/17

Boga & Associates


Boga & Associates logo
Boga & Associates, established in 1994, has emerged as one of the premier law firms in Albania, earning a reputation for providing the highest quality of legal, tax and accounting services to its clients. Boga & Associates also operates in Kosovo (Pristina) offering full range of services. Apart of the wide consolidated legal practice, the firm offers also a significant expertise in tax and accounting services with a keen sensitivity to the rapid changes in the Albanian and Kosovo business environment.
To keep you up-to-date with the latest economic and financial developments, this bulletin prepared by our team provides information that may affect the operation of your business in Albania.
Albania Corporate/Commercial Law

To keep you up-to-date with the latest economic and financial developments, this bulletin prepared by our team provides information that may affect the operation of your business in Albania.

Issue 02/17

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 391, dated 03.05.2017 "On the determination of registration and publication procedures at National Business Center"

On May 3rd the Council of Ministers passed a new decision on the determination of registration and publication procedures at the National Business Center, abrogating Decision No. 864, dated 21.05.2015 of the Council of Ministers.

The Decision No. 391 is published in the Official Gazette No. 105 dated 11.05.2017 and entered into force after publication.

The amendments are mainly focused on the following:

  • New provisions on the procedure of online registration for new businesses and steps to be followed for a proper registration of a business.
  • Providing for detailed instructions and procedures for online applications and those made at the counters of the National Business Center.
  • Establishing more clear rules on how the National Business Center will interact with other authorities such as General Directory of Taxes and National Employment Inspectorate.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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