In this issue:
I. Instruction no. 4557/1 "On registration of securities in the company "Qendra e Regjistrimit te Aksioneve sh.a., Tirana"
II. ERE Decision no.120, dated 27.07.2017 "On the determination of the purchase price of the electricity produced by small generating resources, Photovoltaic with installed capacity up to 2 MW and Eolic with installed capacity up to 3MW"
I. Instruction no. 4557/1 "On registration of securities in the company "Qendra e Regjistrimit te Aksioneve sh.a., Tirana"
On 01.06.2017, the Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship approved the instruction no. 4557/1 ". The instruction published with the Official Gazette no. 129, dated 09.06.2017 and enters into force immediately after its publication in the Official Gazette (09.06.2017).
The legislator with the approval of the instruction no. 4557/1, dated 1.6.2017, requires to commercial companies registered with the Commercial Register held by the National Business Center, that in cases of changes in the registered capital, number of shares and/or nominal value of each share including transfer of shares, to reflect these changes with the company Qendra e Regjistrimit te Aksioneve sh.a., Tirana.
The obligation to register with the above-mentioned company, is defined in point 5 of article 119 of Law no. 9901, dated 14.4.2008, "On Entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies", as amended.
II. ERE Decision no.120, dated 27.07.2017 "On the determination of the purchase price of the electricity produced by small generating resources, Photovoltaic with installed capacity up to 2 MW and Eolic with installed capacity up to 3MW"
On 27.07.2017 the Board of the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE) approved the decision no. 120 "On the determination of the purchase price of the electricity produced by small generating resources, Photovoltaic with installed capacity up to 2 MW and Eolic with installed capacity up to 3MW". The decision has been published with the official Gazette no. 157, dated August 9, 2017.
The Board of ERE, considering that the Republic of Albania do not have investments in solar (PV) or wind (Eolic) energy power, and as a consequence there is a significant lack of data related to the exact costs, has decided to determine the price of energy produced by these resources based on references and conducted studies.
The energy price, for year 2017, will be:
- For photovoltaic energy resources 100 Euro / MWh
- For wind energy resources 76 Euro / MWh
With regard to the following investments in these resources, starting from 2018, ERE, will propose to Ministry of Energy and Industry, the improvement and revision of the Decision of Council of Ministers no. 369, dated 26.4.2017 "On the approval of the methodology on determination of the purchase price of the electrical energy generated by the small pphotovoltaic and wind resources", if results that the real costs of the investment are different from those provided in this decision.
This decision enters into force immediately and within 30 days after its publication in the Official Gazette, this decision may be appealed in the Administrative Court of Tirana.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.