8 March 2023

HKEX Consultation Following CSRC New Filing Rules

Han Kun Law Offices


Han Kun Law Offices
On February 24, 2023, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("HKEX") published a consultation paper (the "Consultation Paper"), which detailed the proposed amendments to the Rules Governing...
China Finance and Banking

On February 24, 2023, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("HKEX") published a consultation paper (the "Consultation Paper"), which detailed the proposed amendments to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules") following new filing rules for the overseas listing of domestic enterprises announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") on February 17, 2023 (the "New Filing Rules"). The Consultation Paper also invited comments from the market in relation to part of the proposed Listing Rule amendments.

The proposed Listing Rule amendments mainly arise from the following regulatory changes under the New Filing Rules: (1) domestic shares and H shares are both ordinary shares and are no longer deemed as different classes of shares; and (2) the Mandatory Provisions for Companies Listing Overseas (the "Mandatory Provisions") are no longer applicable to the constitutional documents of PRC issuers. This article outlines the key Listing Rule amendments and important explanations covered by HKEX in the Consultation Paper.

Part 1: Key Listing Rules amendments

Key changes

Current Listing rules requirements

Amended Listing rules requirements


Class meeting requirement

In order to change or abrogate the rights of a class of shareholders (including an increase or decrease in the number of shares of one particular class), PRC issuers must obtain special resolutions via (1) a shareholder meeting and (2) separate class meetings of holders of domestic shares and of H shares.

The class meeting requirement relating to the issuance and repurchase of shares is repealed1.


Amendments to shareholders' mandates for the issuance of shares

Mandate limits

PRC issuers may seek prior approvals from their shareholders to:

(1) issue securities of up to 20% of each of its issued domestic shares and H shares (the "General Mandate"); and

(2) issue securities in respect of options and awards granted under share schemes within the meaning under Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules of up to 10% of each of its issued domestic shares and H shares (the "Scheme Mandate").

The General Mandate and the Scheme

Mandate would be subject to an overall cap of 20% and 10% respectively of a PRC issuer's total issued shares2.

Issue price limit

The price for new share issuance for cash under the General Mandate and the exercise price of share options under a share option scheme are benchmarked to the market price of H shares3.

For PRC issuers whose H shares and domestic shares are dually listed on HKEX and a stock exchange in Mainland China ("A+H issuers"), the CSRC has promulgated rules that impose price limits on issuances of A shares benchmarked to the market price of A shares.

HKEX will retain the rules to benchmark the issue price limits to the H share market price and the current practice of considering waivers from strict compliance with the exercise price requirements on a case-by-case basis.


Rule amendments relating to articles of association of PRC issuers

Appendix 13D (section 1) requires PRC issuers' articles of association to include the Mandatory Provisions and the ancillary provisions.

Appendix 13D (section 2) provides a list of matters to be included in listing documents which is applicable to both PRC issuers and overseas issuers.

Appendix 13D (section 1) will be repealed and the list of matters under Appendix 13D (section 2) will be moved to Appendix 1A (which governs disclosure in listing documents).

Transitional arrangements:

PRC issuers must still adhere to their existing articles of association concerning class meetings for certain resolutions and other provisions required under the Mandatory Provisions where applicable, until they amend their articles of association. They should also comply with the Listing Rules (or the amended Listing Rules after the effective date of the Listing Rule amendments) at all times.

New listing applicants established in the PRC are expected to follow the Guidelines for the Articles of Association of Listed Companies issued by the CSRC in preparing their articles of association. HKEX will allow applicants to comply with the Listing Rules taking into account the consequential amendments if they are listed on HKEX during the period from the repeal of the Mandatory Provisions to the effective date of the Listing Rule amendments.


Timing for dispatching the circular and the listing document

PRC issuers are required to dispatch (1) the circular and (2) the listing document on or before the deadline for giving notice of the general meeting under the Company Law of the PRC.

The timing for PRC issuers to dispatch the circular and the listing document will be aligned with that applicable to other issuers (i.e. at the same time as (or before) the notice of the general meeting is given)4.


Requirements relating to the submission of a notification issued by the CSRC confirming the completion of filing procedures by new listing applicants to HKEX

A PRC new listing applicant is required to submit a copy of the CSRC's approval of its listing on HKEX at least 4 clear business days before the expected hearing date.

HKEX will remove the requirement concerning submission of a copy of the CSRC's approval and add a new Listing Rule to require new applicants (regardless of being established in the PRC or other jurisdictions) to submit, at least four clear business days before the expected hearing date, a notification issued by the CSRC confirming the completion of the filing procedures if the new applicant's application for listing on HKEX is required to be filed with the CSRC.

Part 2: Public float requirement

Listing Rules 8.08 (as amended by Rules 19A.13A under the Listing Rules amendments) will maintain the requirement that an A+H issuer's H shares listed on HKEX must, at the time of listing, be not less than 15% of the issuer's total number of issued shares with a market capitalisation of not less than HK$125 million.

Part 3: Timetable

HKEX is conducting a public consultation on shareholders' mandate limits and certain other Listing Rules amendments, which will be closed on March 24, 2023.

Meanwhile, HKEX will not conduct public consultation on consequential Listing Rules amendments made to reflect the New Filing Rules (including the abovementioned items 1, 3, 4, and 5 and certain other amendments). Such consequential Listing Rules amendments will become effective on a date to be announced, subject to the necessary regulatory approvals.


1. PRC issuers must still comply with the Company Law of the PRC which requires any issuance or repurchase of shares to be approved by special resolution in a general meeting.

2. Note: HKEX is currently inviting public comments regarding this amendment, and any final Listing Rule amendment would be published in a conclusions paper after HKEX has considered the public's views.

3. Specifically, shares issued under a General Mandate for cash are limited to a price discount of not more than 20% of the prevailing market price of H shares (Rule 13.36(5) of the Listing Rules), and the exercise price of share options must not be lower than the prevailing market price of H shares (Rule 17.03E of the Listing Rules).

4. Note: Since 2019, the notice period for special general meetings of PRC issuers has been shortened from 45 days to 15 days.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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