Over the past three years, ReferToHer® has been the exclusive matching donor on the Women's Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF) annual marquee fundraiser, and together with many other generous donors, we have raised nearly $100,000 in support of LEAF's incredible work in advancing gender equity in Canada. We are proud to renew that three-year exclusive partnership once again.
On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, we will be matching up to $15,000 of all donations made to LEAF to aid in their important work towards ensuring the substantive equality of women, girls, trans, and non-binary people across Canada, and all those who experience gender discrimination.
Pam Hrick, Executive Director & General Counsel at LEAF, had this to say about the partnership: "We are excited to be continuing our three-year partnership with Lenczner Slaght and ReferToHer®, which has made such an impact for LEAF and our work in advancing gender equity, to which we know they are also deeply committed. We are grateful for their increasingly generous contributions and support."
Sana Halwani, Partner and Founder of ReferToHer®, adds: "For 39 years, LEAF has fought gender-based discrimination and achieved significant gains for equality rights in Canada. However, there is still much to be done, and we encourage all ReferToHer® listees and allies to donate to help LEAF meaningfully further their important work. We'll make sure your contribution has double the impact in the fight for gender justice."
Tomorrow, help LEAF achieve its $30,000 goal by donating here!
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.