On this Thursday (6), Minister Luiz Fux, in within the Direct Unconstitutionality Action 5956, granted an injunction , valid until the exam of the merit of the Action, suspending the any administrative, enforcement and punitive measures by ANTT, set forth in Article 5º, §6º, of Law No. 13,703/2018 (which established the Minimum Wage of Freight Transport National Policy) and, as a result, the effects of ANTT Resolution No. 5,833/2018, that establishes the fines applicable due to the inobservance of the Minimum Freight Table.
The indemnifications owed by the carriers (2 times the amount paid and the amount that should been paid considering the Minimum Wage of Freight Transport National Policy), are also suspended.
The injunction was granted based on the principle of legal certainty, aiming to avoid the economic impacts that has already been reported in the activities related to the sector.
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