Alain Leibman was quoted in the Wall Street Journal Pharmalot article, "Wire Fraud Charges Against Former Lilly Scientists are Dismissed."  Full text can be found in the December 8, 2014, issue, but a synopsis is noted below.  

Charges against two former Eli Lilly scientists were dismissed by the federal government.  According to court documents, the two were accused of wire fraud for allegedly leaking proprietary information about experimental drugs and providing the data to a Chinese drug maker.  

The case garnered headlines when the initial charges were announced and cited as another example of the need to guard trade secrets owned by U.S. life sciences and tech industries. Lilly then estimated the value of the confidential information to be worth $65 million.  According to Alain Leibman, an attorney for Cao, both are naturalized U.S. citizens. 

Leibman notes that the dismissal confirms the former Lilly scientist "did nothing wrong... He did not disclose anything proprietary or exchange or provide any confidential information that belonged to Lilly."

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