For a refresher on the notions of "Provider", "Deployer" and "AI systems subject to specific transparency obligations", please consult our previous EU AI Act Decoded issues on "Who will the EU AI Act apply to?' and "Classification of AI systems and GPAI Models".
Concerned AI Systems
Deadline to comply with these obligations: August 2, 2026
- These obligations intend to address potential risks of impersonation or deception, as well as risks of misinformation and manipulation at scale, fraud, and consumer deception posed by certain AI systems.
- These obligations may apply in addition to the obligations imposed to high-risk AI systems.
- The information must be provided in a clear and distinguishable manner, at the latest at the time of the first interaction or exposure. It must also conform to any applicable accessibility requirements.
- The EU AI Office is encouraged to facilitate the drawing-up of codes of practice at EU level in order to ensure the effective implementation of the obligations regarding the detection and labelling of artificially generated or manipulated content.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.