6 December 2024

Happy + Healthy Lawyers = Better Client Outcomes

Outside GC


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OGC is a unique law firm that offers the relationship and experience of a traditional law firm with the cost savings and speed of an ALSP. By combining top-notch legal talent and significant business acumen, we deliver the value and efficiency of an in-house lawyer, without adding to our client’s headcount or sacrificing quality.
Love the work but hate the job? That's a common refrain from many Big Law attorneys and increasingly, in-house counsel. But it doesn't have to be that way.
United States Law Department Performance

Love the work but hate the job? That's a common refrain from many Big Law attorneys and increasingly, in-house counsel. But it doesn't have to be that way. In her recent Above the Law article, OGC Partner Kristin Kreuder explains how she found a third option through OGC that has allowed her to love both her job and her work.

"When I joined OGC in 2015, the notion of work-life balance was not merely a lofty ideal; it was and still is a core value of the firm. Our business model embodies this value by allowing attorneys to choose how and when they work (no billable hour demands). This autonomy has been a game-changer; and, as we say, it is a big reason why OGC is an Easy to Work For (#ETWF) law firm."

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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