Looking Ahead From Lviv: Sustainable Development In A Post-Conflict Ukraine

Steptoe LLP


In more than 100 years of practice, Steptoe has earned an international reputation for vigorous representation of clients before governmental agencies, successful advocacy in litigation and arbitration, and creative and practical advice in structuring business transactions. Steptoe has more than 500 lawyers and professional staff across the US, Europe and Asia.
Steptoe senior counsel Lucinda Low authored an article in Just Security, "Looking Ahead from Lviv: Sustainable Development in a Post-Conflict Ukraine."
United States International Law

Steptoe senior counsel Lucinda Low authored an article in Just Security, "Looking Ahead from Lviv: Sustainable Development in a Post-Conflict Ukraine." The article discusses a number of key topics that achieving sustainable development in a post-conflict Ukraine needs to consider. Recognizing the scale of the needs and the importance of a coordinated effort, it also suggests a more immediate task: a comprehensive legal inventory of efforts that are already underway to identify gaps and promote communication and coordination.

This article is part of Just Security's Symposium, International Law in the Face of Russia's Aggression in Ukraine: The View from Lviv. The Symposium was launched in February 2024, on the second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It builds on a 2023 convening of international and Ukrainian legal professionals in Lviv, Ukraine, organized by the Ukrainian Association of International Law and the American Society of International Law, in collaboration with other key stakeholders including the Ukrainian Bar Association.

Read the full article at Just Security.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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