Employers who underpay employees now not only face potential civil lawsuits, but in a historic move, the California Labor Commissioner and Los Angeles District Attorney have joined forces to criminally prosecute employers. Recently, the owners of a manufacturing company that employed workers were charged with felony charges of grand theft of wages. They purportedly underpaid workers, didn't provide compensation coverage, and violated overtime wage & hour, sick leave and other labor laws. Both owner defendants also face civil liabilities for failure to provide workers compensation coverage.
Typically, enforcement investigations encompass a payroll audit of the preceding three years to ascertain minimum wage, overtime, and other labor law infringements and to compute the outstanding payments and penalties. Payroll audits often result from a worker's reporting of claims to the Commissioner. If you get notice of an audit, contact counsel.
Employers with Questions on requirements may contact Epps & Coulson, LLP. We are here to help you plan and grow and protect your business. Please feel free to contact Dawn at: dcoulson@eppscoulson.com.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.