Partner and Family Law co-chair Judith Poller spoke to Vanity Fair  about a unique prenuptial agreement challenge. Nicole Young and Andre Young, the artist and music mogul known as Dr. Dre, have been separated for some time. The former has filed for divorce and claims the prenuptial agreement she was pressured to sign is null and void. However, it appears the agreement was never formally dissolved. As Vanity Fair notes, 

Judith Poller, who is also not involved in this case but has worked on high-caliber divorces often in part in California, said, "There've been very few instances where [prenups are] overturned, and the fact that somebody might say during the marriage, when in their happiest moment, 'I'm sorry I made you go through this process, and I'm gonna rip it up,' means absolutely nothing." [...] "It's like the dog ate my homework. It just doesn't work," Poller added.

The terms of the marriage dissolution are still under negotiation. It appears both parties are amenable to spousal support payments. However, the amount of debt is still in question.

Read the full coverage in Vanity Fair here

Originally published by Pryor Cashman, August 2020

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