Ofcom has published the following documents regarding Openreach FTTP pricing offers:
- Statement: Existing Openreach FTTP offers with geographic pricing; and
- Call for inputs: Openreach Proposed FTTP Offer starting 1 October 2021
In its wholesale fixed telecoms market review (WFTMR), Ofcom prohibited Openreach from offering different prices on a geographic basis, as this could undermine new networks being built by others. However, Openreach can apply to Ofcom for consent to use different geographic prices.
At the time of its WFTMR statement, Openreach had three live geographic pricing offers, and Ofcom consulted on its provisional view to grant consent to the offers. Having considered responses to its consultation, Ofcom has decided to permit the existing geographic pricing to continue until the current offer periods end.
Under Ofcom's WFTMR rules, Openreach must notify the regulator of certain offers, such as volume discounts, 90 days before they come into effect. This is so Ofcom can prevent Openreach from harming competition, by restricting any offers that would stifle new network build by its rivals.
Openreach has notified Ofcom of a new long-term pricing offer that it intends to introduce from 1 October 2021. Accordingly, Ofcom is inviting interested parties to raise any initial concerns by 5pm on 16 July 2021.
Once it has reviewed the offer and stakeholders' initial views on it, Ofcom anticipates consulting on its provisional view, and publishing its decision before the end of the 90-day notification period. To access the statement, click here. To access the consultation, click here.
Originally published 05 June 2021
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.