The 'Chambers and Partners Private Wealth Guide 2023' is published!
It provides you the latest insights on local tax and legal aspects that are essential for you to know in order to contribute to the long-term success of your family-owned business and to preserve your family wealth for future generations.
Our international private wealth experts have contributed to create the 'Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide 2023' on 'Private Wealth' by writing two chapters. Their contributions offer valuable insights on legal and tax regulations applicable to wealth management in the Dutch and Luxembourg jurisdictions.
The guide provides the latest information on:
- Tax regimes,
- Succession,
- Trusts and foundations,
- Family business planning,
- Wealth disputes,
- Fiduciaries,
- Citizenship and residency,
- Planning for minors, adults with disabilities and elders,
- Planning for Non-traditional families, and;
- Charitable planning.
You can read the contributions for the Netherlands and Luxembourg by downloading them below.
If you have any questions regarding this publication or if you're interested in integrated legal and tax advice, please contact one of our international experts.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.