As a full service super-boutique legal practice, we are committed to providing cost effective, quality and agile legal services, whilst developing a deep understanding of your business. With more than 25 years of active service in South Africa and an ethos built on client service, our value proposition lies in the fact that we are a progressive practice able to deliver high-quality, cost-effective and transparent legal solutions, customised for client specific needs both locally and abroad. We believe we are uniquely placed to ensure that your business succeeds.
In an eNCA interview, Ian Jacobsberg shares comment to the US's latest plans to review South Africa's future participation in its Generalized System of Preferences
In an eNCA interview, Ian Jacobsberg shares comment to the
US's latest plans to review South Africa's future
participation in its Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), a
duty-free trade scheme. The debate is being focused around the
draft laws proposed to South Africa's copyright legislation,
most notably the Performers Protection Amendment Bill and the
Copyright Amendment Bill.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.