Key Points
- 90-day extension to applications to be submitted for a Temporary Permanence Permit Card
On 6 Jan. 2022, the government of Peru extended the deadline for foreign nationals with irregular or unusual immigration status to submit an application for a Temporary Permanence Permit Card. The deadline will be extended for a period of 90 calendar days from 6 Jan. 2022. This will allow foreign nationals who entered Peru with irregular or unusual status before 22 Oct. 2020 additional time to regularize their migratory situation in Peru.
What are the Changes?
The government of Peru has extended the deadline for foreign nationals with irregular immigration status to apply for a Temporary Permanence Permit Card. For information on the application process, click here.
Looking Ahead
Continue to check the government of Peru's website and Envoy's website for additional updates and information.
Originally published 10, January 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.