22 November 1996

Trade Contacts - Ministries, Industrial and Professional Associations



Czech Republic Strategy

Ministry of Trade and Industry
Na Frantisku 32
110 15  Praha  1
fax: 422-2422 1538

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Loretanske namesti 101/5
125 10 Praha 1
fax: 422-2431-0016

Ministry of Finance
Letenska 15
118 10 Praha 1
tel.: 422 2454-1111
fax: 422 2454-2788

Confederation of Industry of the CR
Mikulandsk  7
113 61  Praha 1
tel: 422 2491 5679,ext.236, 84 
fax: 422 2491 5253
contact: Mr. Pavel Dzida 
             Director of Internal Affairs
         Mr. Zdenik Filla

Ministry of Economy
Staromoistske namesti 6
110 15 Praha 1
tel.:422 2486-1111, 1333
fax:422 2489-7333

Ministry for Privatisation & Administration of National Property
Lazarsk  7
113 48 Praha 1
tel.: 422 2419-1111
fax: 422 2419-1760

National Property Fund
Rasinovo nabrezi 42
128 00 Praha 2
tel.: 422 2491-1907,5341
fax: 422 2491-3934

Association of Czech Entrepreneurs
Skretova 6
120 00  Praha 2
tel: 422 2421 5373
fax: 422 2423 0572
contact: Rudolf Baranek

Economic Chamber of the CR
Argentinska 38
170 05  Prague 7
tel: 422 6679 4899, 53
fax:422 87 53 68
contact: Mr. Alexander Safarik
               General Secretary
            Mr. Josef Smahel

American Chamber of Commerce
Karlovo n m. 24
110 00  Prague 1
tel:422  299 887, 296 778
fax: 422 291 481
contacts: Donna Evans,  Executive Director
          John Fay, Executive Assistant

Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of the CR
Snemovni 4
118 26 Praha 1
tel.:422 2459-2111, (2511 - Foreign Deptm.)
fax: 422 551276, (539905 - Foreign Deptm.)

Office of the Government of the CR
Nabrezi Eduarda Benese 4
118 01 Praha 1
tel.: 422 2400-2111
fax: 422 2481-0231

Czech Statistical Office
Sokolovska 142
186 04 Praha 8
tel.: 422 6604-1111
fax: 422 826-489

Association for Business Consultancy
Slezska 7 
120 56 Praha 2
tel.: 422 256-276
fax: 422 258-550

Union of Professional Unions
Skretova 6
120 59 Praha 2
tel.: 422 2423-0561
fax: 422 2423-0570

Banking Association
Vodickova 30
111 21 Praha 1
tel.: 422 2421-5679
fax:422 2422-5956

Association of Real Property Bureaus
Na Chodovci 2880/3 
141 00 Praha 4
tel.: 422 764-622
fax: 422 762-953

Czech Stock Exchange
Rybna 14
110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 422 2183 1111
  Press center 
tel.: 422 2183 2116-18
fax: 422 21833031
  Mr. Skoba  tel.: 422 21832191
        General Secretary
  Mr. Jiri Franc tel.: 422 2183 2821
                 fax: 422 2183 3040

Czech National Bank
Na Prikope 28
110 03 Praha 1
tel.: 422 24412061
fax: 422 24412179

Society of Science and Technology Parks
Ing. Pavel Svejda, CSc.
Novotneho lavka 5
116 68  Praha 1
tel: 422 2108-2275
fax: 422 2108-2276

For further information contact CzechInvest at Politickych veznu 20, 112 49 Prague 1, Czech Republic Phone (42-2) 2422-1540 Fax: (42-2) 2422-1804

NOTE: Although we have made every effort to ensure the reliability of our sources, CzechInvest does not assume responsibility for its accuracy.

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