The healthcare and life sciences industry is experiencing a
global surge, with India at the forefront, projected to reach
USD650+ billion by 2025. India's healthcare and life sciences
sector continues to garner substantial interest from private equity
funds and international strategic players. India has also achieved
significant milestones in recognising innovations in the healthcare
and life sciences sector, from medical devices, biotechnology,
novel and vegan foods to smart proteins.
However, questions surrounding regulations, including capital
controls, IP protection and data and privacy regulations, pose
practical challenges. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, several
regulatory challenges emerged in India on drug and vaccine
approvals, pricing of essential medicines, and availability of
hospital beds. With increasing integration between healthcare and
technology and the new data protection legislation, there's
excitement but anxiety amongst players in the industry.
Our healthcare and life sciences experts are here to provide
insights into the evolution of the healthcare and life sciences
industry, global trends, strategic interest and investment
patterns, and regulatory trends, with great anecdotes and
experience from working in this sector over many decades.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.