The global landscape of HRP continues to evolve, with a clear shift towards a more employee-centric model. This evolution, while beneficial for employees, is also increasing the complexity surrounding HRP services on both an international and local level. This sub-report outlines how multinational businesses can begin to prepare for the challenges ahead.
Building on the findings unearthed by the latest edition of TMF Group's Global Business Complexity Index (GBCI), we explore how businesses can adapt and thrive within 2024's shifting landscape and its changing workforce dynamics.
Within this publication, you will:
- Learn more about the rise of global mobility and the impact it has on reporting obligations.
- Find out why employees are demanding greater flexibility around both work locations and payment terms.
- Understand the knock-on effects of progressive benefits and shifting tax frameworks.
- Gain insight into how employers are easing their administrative burdens, through digitalisation and a rise in outsourcing.
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