Greece mandates annual paid leave for all employees, a crucial component of labor relations. This overview outlines the key elements of the vacation allowance.
Who's Eligible and How Much Time Off?
All employees, regardless of employment contract type, are entitled to annual paid leave. The minimum entitlement is 20 working days per year for full-time employees with a five-day workweek. This number can increase based on factors such as length of service and employment status. From May until September, employees must take at least 10 days of leave.
Accrual and Timing
Vacation leave accrues proportionally throughout the year. Employees typically have the right to request leave at least two months in advance.
In addition to regular wages, employees receive a vacation allowance. This monetary benefit is intended to supplement income during the leave period.
Compliance and Considerations
Adherence to vacation allowance regulations is essential for employers. Proper calculation, timely payment, and effective leave management are crucial to avoid potential legal issues.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.