The Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting on Construction of Intellectual Property Powerhouse Releases Report on the Construction and Development of an Intellectual Property Powerhouse (2024)
Date: 30 October 2024
The Outline for Building an Intellectual Property Powerhouse (2021-2035) and the 14th Five- Year Plan of IP Protection and Use have set a series of primary targets for the development of intellectual property in China during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. According to the Report on the Construction and Development of an Intellectual Property Powerhouse (2024), by 2023, many of the eight projected targets had been met or exceeded and there had been significant growth in all areas.
Primary Target Areas | 2025 Goal | 2023 Completion Status |
1. Number of high-value invention patents owned by per 10,000 heads (piece) | 12 | 11.8 |
2. Number of invention patents granted overseas (10,000 pieces) | 9 | 5.0 |
3. Registered amount of financing by IP pledging (RMB 100 million) | 3200 | 8539.9 |
4. Total annual import and export value of IP royalties (RMB 100 million) | 3500 | 3765.2 |
5. Proportion of patent-intensive industry's added value out of GDP (%) | 13.0 | 12.71% |
6. Proportion of copyright industry's added value out of GDP (%) | 7.5 | 7.41% |
7. Society's satisfaction over IP protection (score) | 82 | 82.04 |
8. Proportion of cases resolved at first-instance trials out of all IP civil cases (%) | 85 | 91.9 |
Source: CNIPA
指标 | 2025年 目标 | 2023年 完成状况 |
1. 每万人口高价值发明专利拥有量(件) | 12 | 11.8 |
2. 海外发明专利授权量(万件) | 9 | 5.0 |
3. 知识产权质押融资登记金额(亿元) | 3200 | 8539.9 |
4. 知识产权使用费年进出口总额(亿元) | 3500 | 3765.2 |
5. 专利密集型产业增加值占GDP币种(%) | 13.0 | 12.71% |
6. 版权产业增加值占GDP比重(%) | 7.5 | 7.41% |
7. 知识产权保护社会满意度(分) | 82 | 82.04 |
8. 知识产权民事一审案件服判息诉率 | 85 | 91.9 |
资料来源:国家知识产权局 2024-10-30
Beijing Intellectual Property Court Releases Analysis of Patent Grant and Confirmation Cases (2014-2024) and Guidelines for Handling Subject Qualification Certificates in Foreign-related Cases (2024 Edition)
Date: 17 October 2024
On 17 October, the Beijing Intellectual Property Court held an International Open Day, comprehensively reviewing its ten-year development history and releasing two documents summarising its judicial experience in intellectual property cases: the Analysis of Patent Granting and Confirmation Cases (2014-2024) and Guidelines for Handling Subject Qualification Certificates of Foreign-related Cases (2024 Edition).
The Analysis of Patent Grant and Confirmation Cases (2014-2024) contains 58 typical cases of patent grant and confirmation. As the court with exclusive jurisdiction over the administrative cases relating to patent grant and confirmation nationwide, the Beijing Intellectual Property Court has identified three major trends in patent grant and confirmation cases over the past decade:(1) The overall number of cases has shown a steady upward trend: as of September 2024, the Court had accepted 14,345 patent grant and confirmation administrative cases, an annual growth rate of 5.65%. Cases concerning the confirmation of invention patents accounted for the largest proportion. (2) Nearly 30% of the cases involved new technologies and emerging industries, with the highest proportion relating to next-generation information technology and high-end equipment manufacturing industries. (3) Over 20% of the cases involved foreign parties, with litigants from more than 100 countries and regions across all five continents.
The Guidelines for Handling Subject Qualification Certificates in Foreign-related Cases (2024 Edition) are divided into chapters by country, covering 18 countries across all five continents. The document contains a detailed list of the required documents for proving subject qualification, and details of the notarization and certification process, providing clear guidance to the parties.
Source: 'Jinfawangshi' Beijing High Court WeChat Official Account
资料来源:京法网事 2024-10-17
The Intellectual Property Court of the SPC Releases Five Rulings on Infringement Cases Involving New Plant Varieties, Demonstrating a Firm Stance Against Infringement of Plant Variety Rights
Date: 16 October 2024
The Intellectual Property Court of the SPC released details of rulings in five typical cases of plant variety right infringement on 16 October - World Food Day. Among these, three cases involved second-instance rulings that either reversed the first-instance judgment and found the defendant guilty of infringement, or increased the compensation amount compared to that awarded at first instance. The names, key points of the rulings, and case numbers of the five typical cases are as follows:
- 'Lucinda' Potato Plant Variety Infringement Case: If the plant variety rights owner failed to fulfill its duty of diligence and reasonable care regarding the authorized variety control samples used for testing, resulting in an inability to establish a logical chain of evidence, its claims should be dismissed. (2022) Zui Gao Fa Zhi Min Zhong No. 278
- 'Hongyunlai' Pineapple Plant Variety Infringement Case: If the plant variety rights owner notarizes the entire rights protection process (purchasing the allegedly infringing seedlings and notarizing the purchase), and properly cultivates the seedlings to meet the identification requirements, it should be deemed to have fulfilled its duty to provide diligent evidence and exercised reasonable care. (2022) Zui Gao Fa Zhi Min Zhong No. 1362
- 'W68' Maize Inbred Line Parent Technical Secret Infringement Case: The specific amount of compensation that the infringer should bear for violating the technical secrets of hybrid parent lines can be determined by considering factors such as the parent's breeding cost, characteristics, competitive advantages, substitutability, and market contribution rate. (2023) Zui Gao Fa Zhi Min Zhong No. 2562
- 'Xiaojindouhong No. 1' Vigna Angularis Plant Variety Infringement Case: If the infringer engages in intentional infringement, operates without a seed production and operation license, and sells seeds without proper labeling, the People's Court may choose a higher price within the authorized seed price range as the basis for calculating actual damages. (2023) Zui Gao Fa Zhi Min Zhong No. 1020
- 'Lihe 228' Corn Plant Variety Infringement Case: The facts of the criminal defendant's unlicensed sale of infringing seeds, as established in the effective criminal judgment related to seeds, can be accepted as established infringement facts in civil infringement cases, without the need for the rights holder to provide evidence. (2023) Zui Gao Fa Zhi Min Zhong No. 1383
According to data from the SPC, since the establishment of the Intellectual Property Court on January 1, 2019, the number of plant variety cases accepted has been increasing year by year. In 2023, the Court received 180 new plant variety cases and concluded 166, representing an annual growth rate of 16.1% and 100%, respectively. Among these, over 85% of the cases were related to plant variety infringement disputes, with a success rate of 90% for plant variety rights holders.
Source: The Intellectual Property Court of the SPC
- "露辛达" 马铃薯植物新品种侵权案——品种权人未能对用于检测的授权品种对照样品尽到勤勉举证和合理注意义务,导致具有逻辑性的证据链条无法构建时,其诉讼请求应被驳回——(2022)最高法知民终278号
- "红运来" 凤梨植物新品种侵权案——品种权人对维权全过程进行公证,且对公证购买的被诉侵权种苗采取妥善种植方式使其符合鉴定要求的,应认定其已尽到勤勉举证和合理注意义务——(2022)最高法知民终1362号
- "W68" 玉米自交系亲本技术秘密侵权案——计算侵权人因侵害杂交种亲本技术秘密应当承担的具体赔偿数额,可综合考虑该亲本的育种成本、特征特性等竞争优势及其可替代性、对育成的杂交种市场获益的贡献率等因素确定——(2023)最高法知民终2562号
- "笑金某红一号" 小豆植物新品种侵权案——侵权人存在故意侵权、未取得种子生产经营许可证、销售无标识标签种子等情节,人民法院可在授权种子价格区间中选择较高价格作为实际损失计算依据——(2023)最高法知民终1020号
- "利某228" 玉米植物新品种侵权案——在先生效的涉种子刑事裁判认定的刑事被告人无证销售侵权种子的事实可以作为民事侵权案件中权利人无须举证证明的侵权事实——(2023)最高法知民终1383号
资料来源:最高人民法院知识产权法庭 2024-10-16
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