23 January 2023

Legislative Update Report No. 2022-01 Le Bulletin D'actualités Législatives

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


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Legislation for the period 12/22 to 01/11...
Canada Government, Public Sector

Legislation for the period 12/22 to 01/11

Federal Government / Gouvernement fédéral

Proposed Regulations / Projets de règlement

Canada Gazette, Part I, December 24, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Regulations Amending the Products Containing Mercury Regulations

Access to Information Act

  • Regulations Amending the Access to Information Regulations

Canada Gazette, Part I, December 31, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Regulations Amending the Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations

Copyright Act

  • Regulations Amending the Copyright Regulations

Industrial Design Act

  • Regulations Amending the Industrial Design Regulations

Integrated Circuit Topography Act

  • Regulations Amending the Integrated Circuit Topography Regulations

Patent Act

  • Rules Amending the Patent Rules

Trademarks Act

  • Regulations Amending the Trademarks Regulations

Notices / Avis

Canada Gazette, Part I, December 24, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Order 2022-87-11-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List
  • Waiver of information requirements for living organisms (subsection 106(9) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)
  • Waiver of information requirements for substances (subsection 81(9) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)
  • Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality for antimony

Canada Gazette, Part I, December 31, 2022:

Species at Risk Act

  • Description of Barn Owl, Western population, critical habitat in the Alaksen National Wildlife Area, George C. Reifel Bird Sanctuary, and Shoal Harbour Bird Sanctuary

Radiocommunication Act

  • Notice No. SMSE-021-22 — Publication of RSS-131, Issue 4

Trust and Loan Companies Act

  • ADS Canadian Bank and The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company — Letters patent of amalgamation and order to commence and carry on business

Canada Gazette, Part I, January 7, 2023:

Global Affairs Canada

  • Consulting Canadians on future trade negotiations with Ecuador

Radiocommunication Act

  • Notice No. SMSE-012-22 — Decisions on the Technical and Policy Framework for Radio Local Area Network Devices in the 5850-5895 MHz Band and for Intelligent Transportation Systems in the 5895-5925 MHz Band
  • Notice No. SMSE-015-22 — Release of RSS-248, issue 2, DBS-06, issue 1, CPC-4-1-02, issue 1, and Amendment of RSS-139, issue 4
  • Notice No. SMSE-017-22 — Decision on Proposed Revisions to the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations 2022 Edition
  • Notice No. SMSE-018-22 — Decision on the Technical and Policy Framework for the Frequency Bands Above 95 GHz

Insurance Companies Act

  • Increase of statutory investment, lending and borrowing limits for all Canadian property and casualty federally regulated insurance companies

Miscellaneous Notices / Avis divers

Canada Gazette, Part I, January 7, 2023:

  • Definity Financial Corporation — Certificate of continuance

Commissions / Commissions

Canada Gazette, Part I, December 24, 2022:

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Determination — Freight containers

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Decisions
  • Part 1 applications

Canadian Transportation Act

  • Regulated interswitching rates for 2023

Canada Gazette, Part I, December 31, 2022:

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Appeals — Notice No. HA-2022-022
  • Determination — Hotels, motels and commercial accommodation

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Decisions
  • Part 1 applications

Canada Gazette, Part I, January 7, 2023:

Canada Energy Regulator

  • Application to export electricity to the United States — Plant-E Corp

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Determination — Professional services
  • Order — Pup joints

Alberta / Alberta

Regulations / Règlements

Alberta Gazette, Part II, December 31, 2022:

Electric Utilities Act

Alta Reg 260/2022 Regulated Rate Option Amendment Regulation

Emissions Management and Climate Resilience Act

Alta Reg 250/2022 Administrative Penalty Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 251/2022 Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Amendment Regulation

Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

Alta Reg 261/2022 Pesticide (Ministerial) (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation

Income and Employment Supports Act

Alta Reg 247/2022 Income Support, Training and Health Benefits Amendment Regulation

Oil and Gas Conservation Act

Alta Reg 243/2022 Oil and Gas Conservation Rules (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation

Provincial Court Act

Alta Reg 255/2022 Provincial Court Judges and Applications Judges Compensation Amendment Regulation

Regional Health Authorities Act

Alta Reg 244/2022 Community Health Councils (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation

Residential Tenancies Act

Alta Reg 245/2022 Subsidized Public Housing Amendment Regulation

Utility Commodity Rebate Act

Alta Reg 239/2022 Utility Commodity Rebate Amendment Regulation

Notices / Avis

Alberta Gazette, Part I, December 31, 2022:

Workers' Compensation Act

  • 2023 Premium Rates Sector Index

British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique

Regulations / Règlements

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, December 20, 2022:

Climate Change Accountability Act

BC Reg 271/2022 Amends BC Reg 392/2008 — Carbon Neutral Government Regulation

Constitution Act

BC Reg 276/2022 Amends ss 1(1) and 4(1) of the Professional Governance Act, SBC 2018, c 47

Court Rules Act

BC Reg 270/2022 Amends BC Reg 216/2022

Employment and Assistance Act

BC Reg 272/2022 Amends BC Reg 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation

Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act

BC Reg 272/2022 Amends BC Reg 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation

Financial Administration Act

BC Reg 273/2022 Enacts Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel International Student Health Fee Remission Regulation

Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements) Act

BC Reg 280/2022 Amends BC Reg 394/2008 — Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation

Hospital Act

BC Reg 274/2022 Amends item 27 of Schedule to Act

Hospital Insurance Act

BC Reg 274/2022 Amends BC Reg 25/61 — Hospital Insurance Act Regulations

Power of Attorney Act

BC Reg 278/2022 Amends BC Reg 20/2011 — Power of Attorney Regulation

Representation Agreement Act

BC Reg 279/2022 Amends BC Reg 199/2001 — Representation Agreement Regulation

Proclamations / Proclamations

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, December 20, 2022:

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1999, SBC 1999, c 15

  • Section 12 in force December 19, 2022 (BC Reg 277/2022)

Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022, SBC 2022, c 31

  • Sections 6 to 8 in force January 1, 2023 (BC Reg 278/2022)
  • Sections 16 to 18 in force January 1, 2023 (BC Reg 279/2022)

Manitoba / Manitoba

  • No entries for this issue

New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick

  • No entries for this issue

Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

  • No entries for this issue

Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Regulations / Règlements

Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II, December 31, 2022:

Health and Social Services Professions Act

NWT Reg 072-2022 Naturopathic Profession Regulations, amendment

Proclamations / Proclamations

Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II, December 31, 2022:

Post-secondary Education Act, SNWT 2019, c 27

  • Act, except section 9, in force December 16, 2022 (SI-015-2022)

Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ècosse

  • No entries for this issue

Nunavut / Nunavut

Regulations / Règlements

Nunavut Gazette, Part II, December 23, 2022:

Workers' Compensation Act

Nu Reg 036-2022 Workers' Compensation General Regulations, amendment

Proclamations / Proclamations

Nunavut Gazette, Part II, December 23, 2022:

Wildlife Act, S Nu 2003, c 26

  • Sections 40 and 41 in force December 19, 2022 (R-040-2022)

Ontario / Ontario

Regulations / Règlements

Courts of Justice Act

O Reg 590/22 Family Law Rules, amending O Reg 114/99

Planning Act

O Reg 592/22 Zoning Order — City of Niagara Falls, Regional Municipality of Niagara
O Reg 593/22 Additional Residential Units, amending O Reg 299/19

Proclamations / Proclamations

Ontario Gazette, December 31, 2022:

Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 33

  • Schedule 1, sections 75-79, being the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017, in force February 1, 2023

More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 9

  • Schedule 11, subsections 18(3), 19(1)-(3), 23, which amend the Ontario Heritage Act, in force January 1, 2023

More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, SO 2022, c 21

  • Schedule 6, sections 2, 3(2), (3), (4), 4(2), 5, 6, 8, 9, which amend the Ontario Heritage Act, in force January 1, 2023
  • Schedule 6, subsection 3(1), which amends the Ontario Heritage Act, in force July 1, 2023

Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022, SO 2022, c 23

  • Schedule 1, sections 1-4, which amend the Electricity Act, 1998, in force March 15, 2023
  • Schedule 1, sections 5, 6, which amend the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, in force March 15, 2023

Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022, SO 2022, c 24

  • Schedule 1, sections 1-7, which amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, in force December 20, 2022
  • Schedule 3, sections 1-9, which amend the Municipal Act, 2001, in force December 20, 2022

Orders In Council

Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022, SO 2022, c 11

  • Schedule 1, subsections 1(1), 3, 4, 7, 8, which amend the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, in force January 1, 2023 (OIC 1738/2022)

Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021, SO 2021, c 34

  • Schedule 9, sections 3-8, which amend the Electricity Act, 1998, in force April 1, 2023 (OIC 1741/2022)

Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 14

  • Schedule 2, sections 1-8, which amend the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015, in force January 1, 2023 (OIC 1742/2022)
  • Schedule 8, subsections 1(1), 20, which amend the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996, in force January 1, 2023 (OIC 1742/2022)

Greenbelt Act, 2005, SO 2005, c 1

  • Greenbelt Plan - Amendment No. 3 (OIC 1745/2022)

Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022, SO 2022, c 24

  • Schedule 2, sections 1-5, being the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Repeal Act, 2022, in force December 15, 2022 (OIC 1747/2022)
  • Schedule 2, section 6, which repeals the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, in force December 15, 2022 (OIC 1747/2022)

Notices / Avis

Ontario Gazette, December 31, 2022:

Public Guardian and Trustee

  • Certificate of the Public Guardian and Trustee (pursuant to section 13.1 of the Public Guardian and Trustee Act, RSO 1990, c P.51, as amended)

Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Regulations / Règlements

Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part II, December 24, 2022:

Workers Compensation Act

EC2022-980 General Regulations, amendment

Quebec / Québec


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 28 décembre 2022:

Loi sur la Régie de l'énergie

Décret 1840-2022 Règlement abrogeant le Règlement sur un bloc de 1 000 mégawatts d'énergie éolienne et le Règlement sur un bloc de 1 300 mégawatts d'énergie renouvelable

Loi sur les coroners

Décret 1859-2022 Règlement modifiant le Tarif sur les frais de transport, de garde et de conservation des cadavres


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, December 28, 2022:

Act respecting the Régie de l'énergie

OC 1840-2022 Regulation to revoke the Regulation respecting a 1,000-megawatt block of wind energy and the Regulation respecting a 1,300-megawatt block of renewable energy

Coroners Act

OC 1859-2022 Regulation to amend the Tariff of costs for the transportation, keeping and preservation of dead bodies

Projets de Règlement

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 28 décembre 2022:

Loi sur le curateur public

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement d'application de la Loi sur le curateur public

Draft Regulations

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, December 28, 2022:

Public Curator Act

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the application of the Public Curator Act

Ordres Ministériels

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 28 décembre 2022:

Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement

AM 2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la déclaration obligatoire de certaines émissions de contaminants dans l'atmosphère — Arrêté du ministre de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 29 décembre 2022:

Loi concernant le transport rémunéré de personnes par automobile

AM 2022-12 Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la formation des chauffeurs qualifiés — Arrêté numéro 2022-12 de la ministre des Transports et de la Mobilité durable

Ministerial Orders

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, December 28, 2022:

Environment Quality Act

MO 2022 Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere — Order of the Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, December 29, 2022:

Act respecting remunerated passenger transportation by automobile

MO 2022-12 Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the training of qualified drivers — Order 2022-12 of the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 28 décembre 2022:

Loi sur l'assurance automobile

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les contributions d'assurance

Loi sur l'assurance parentale
Loi sur les impôts
Loi sur le régime de rentes du Québec

  • Tables de retenues à la source


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, December 28, 2022:

Automobile Insurance Act

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting insurance contributions

An Act respecting parental insurance
Taxation Act
An Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan

  • Source deductions tables

Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan

Regulations / Règlements

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part II, December 23, 2022:

The Legislation Act

Sask Reg 94/2022 The Pastures Repeal Regulations

Proclamations / Proclamations

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part I, December 23, 2022:

The Residential Services Act, 2019, SS 2019, c R-21.3

  • Act in force January 1, 2023

Notices / Avis

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part I, December 23, 2022:

The Medical Profession Act, 1981

  • Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons — Regulatory Bylaw Amendments

Yukon / Yukon

  • No entries for this issue

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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